Cliff Kuang from Fast Company has ranked the 10 most creative people in architecture. That doesn’t mean they’re the best, just the most unusual and influential visions in the field.
Be sure to check the architect’s works published on ArchDaily!
The complete list after the break.
1. Will Alsop, ALSOP Architects
2. Yansong Ma ,MAD Architects – (projects on AD)
3. Insuk Cho and Kisu Park, MASS Studies – (projects on AD)

4. Rem Koolhaas, OMA – (projects on AD)

5. Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries, MVRDV – (projects on AD)

6. Shigeru Ban, Shigeru Ban Architects – (projects on AD)

7. Jacques Herzog and Pierre De Meuron, Herzog & De Meuron – (projects on AD)

8. Thom Mayne, Morphosis Architects – (projects on AD)

9. Zaha Hadid, Zaha Hadid Architects – (projects on AD)

10. Norman Foster, Foster + Partners – (projects on AD)