The Ordos 100 project, as seen on our site, marked the first time the city of Ordos attracted international attention. The success of that project led to the development of the Ordos Prize. This prize provides an opportunity for young architects to be recognized early in their career for their intellectual rigor as demonstrated in both theoretical and built projects. The prize, sponsored by the City of Ordos in Inner Mongolia and Jiang Yuan Cultural & Creativity Development Co., Ltd, is not only the first international architecture prize from Asia, but it is also China’s sole international prize for any achievement.
More about the Ordos Prize after the break.
The prize’s promotion of young architectural promise has attracted the attention of leading architects. “In the past 30 years, China’s unparalleled growth has triggered unprecedented challenges to urbanism and architecture on the global scene. The Ordos Prize is destined to confront these questions,” according to Mr. Ma, a member of the jury. “It is this unprecedented opportunity to recognize the emerging stars in our field that has drawn such distinguished architects to participate.”
The head juror, Rem Koolhaas explained, “Unlike other major prizes that recognize an architect for a significant project or body of work, The Ordos Prize is the first to honor emerging young talent…The Ordos Prize winners will be our next generation of great architects.”
In addition to a monetary award and lecture dates, the wining architect will receive a commission to design a building, constructed in the Jiang Yuan Cultural and Creativity Industry Zone, which will showcase the arts and artisans of Mongolia.
Candidates for the prize are being nominated by a panel of preeminent global architects: Ben van Berkel, Stefano Boeri, Liz Diller, Jacques Herzog, Thom Mayne, Pierre de Meuron, Enrique Norten, Kazuyo Sejima, Wang Shu and Robert A. M. Stern.
The Ordos Prize will be awarded on August 20, 2009, at a unique Mongolian-style ceremony in Ordos. It will be a signature event of the 11th Asia Art Festival that will bring cultural and arts leaders from more than a dozen Asian countries to Ordos.
For more information.