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Video: Norman Foster's Humanitas - Oxford University Lecture


Our friends from architectural videos told us about this video of Norman Foster‘s Humanitas, Oxford University Lecture which took place on November 28th. The lecture considers ‘Heritage and Lessons’ where Foster encourages us to imagine how differently we might understand the modern world if we could travel back in time. We would discover that the cathedrals, the castles and the viaducts that form our ‘heritage’ were once new themselves and were seen as quite alien at the time; and that many of the landscapes we revere as ‘natural’ were in fact shaped subtly by man — some the outcome of the Industrial Revolution itself. We would also find that many of the challenges we face now have been met before.

About this author
Cite: Alison Furuto. "Video: Norman Foster's Humanitas - Oxford University Lecture" 13 Dec 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 21 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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