One organism, one body, that understands and reflects the functional complexity of nature, interpreting it in its relationship with the resources and translate this to architecture, in the use of light, the sun or the water and consecutively in the way the architecture itself generates these resources. Therefore the built morphology is understood as habitat resonance. These were the main goals of AND-RÉ for their proposal for the Pools and Public Sports Complex in S.João da Madeira, Portugal. More images and architects’ description after the break.
The nature based principles provide conceptual strength, in the way that the knowledge of natural systems can positively influence human creations. The skin interpretation, and the implied metaphor, is more than a plastic/aesthetic pretext, but a way of interpreting existing organic elements, discover their potential, and transpose them to a new adapted system with a renewed purpose. The facade is designed by a single module multiplication. This module works like a morphed/adaptive system. The adapted dimensions of its inner form allow visual dynamic and maximizes adaptability to environment conditions and technical needs.


- Be sustainable, healthy, and diversified. - Develop as an organism, as an adaptive system. - Exist in the present and project to the future. - Be flexible and adaptable. - Meet physical and spiritual social needs. - Have an impact beyond their limits and be unique. - Convey a positive spirit and be seductive. - Express rhythm and dynamics.

- Sustainable location. - Efficient use of water and resources. - Generate energy and control consumption. - Wise materials and waste control. - Indoor air quality.
Architects: AND-RÉ Location: S.João da Madeira, Portugal Competition Team: Adalgisa de Castro Lopes, Bruno André, Catarina Fernandes, Francisco Salgado Ré, Márcio Lameirão, Sara João, Sofia Mota Silva, Jacinto Monteiro (3D) Structural Engineer: GOP HVAC: GET Sustainability: Edifícios Saudáveis Type: Competition Status: 2nd prize Date: 2011 Promoter: S. João da madeira municipality Size: 6,500 sqm