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Indore School / STL Architects


The new Indore School design by STL Architects aims to radically rethink both the traditional classroom learning environment as well as the physical arrangement of those spaces. With a prototype designed for mid, mass and premium markets, the Indore School educational experience will never differ, only the materials used to build each school. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Much has changed since the Age of Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution, but unfortunately, the design of our schools has largely not evolved at all. Connected by long corridors, classrooms have been traditionally designed as enclosed environments for academic learning.

view from lobby

The process of learning that takes place between student and teacher has typically been housed in a physical classroom. Conventional subjects such as Geography, Social Sciences, History, Mathematics and English were taught with students seated at desks and the teacher standing in front of a blackboard. This classroom offered a defined space that a teacher would use to convey new or modify existing knowledge, behaviors, skills or values to students.

entry view-facing north

The process of learning that takes place between student and teacher has typically been housed in a physical classroom. Conventional subjects such as Geography, Social Sciences, History, Mathematics and English were taught with students seated at desks and the teacher standing in front of a blackboard. This classroom offered a defined space that a teacher would use to convey new or modify existing knowledge, behaviors, skills or values to students. It becomes a school that is no longer viewed as an impersonal, prescriptive and monumental institution, but a personal, flexible and familiar place.

courtyard hallway

Architects: STL Architects Location: Indore, India Collaboration: Project developed by Celestial partnership Concept: A Complete Learning Experience Year: 2011 Type: Education, Private high school Size: 13,500 square meters

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Cite: Alison Furuto. "Indore School / STL Architects" 20 Nov 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 24 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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