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Carsten Höller Gives Museum-Goers a New Experience of the New Museum


Forget stairs, elevators and escalators, Carsten Höller is bringing a new method of circulation through the New Museum in New York City. It will take visitors down a three-storey, 102-foot tunnel, and may require helmets and elbow pads. What is this innovative invention? None other than the age-old, kid-friendly slide. This insallation is part of a survey exhibition of Höller ‘s work over the past twenty years in which he has explored “such themes as childhood, safety, love, the future, and doubt” in with an attitude towards his work that is “equal parts laboratory and test site.” [New] Höller’s pieces explore human sensory experience and perception by creating environments and experiences that over-stimulate or deprive us of our senses. Read on for a preview of what to expect at the New Museum.

The New Museum will also be hosting other elements of his work including “a new light installation; disorienting architectural environments; a spectacular mirrored carousel; and a sensory deprivation pool, among others.” The exhibition opened October 26th and will continue through January 15th. Watch these videos for a preview of what to expect from your next visit.

Via New Museum, Gothamist + Curbed

About this author
Cite: Irina Vinnitskaya. "Carsten Höller Gives Museum-Goers a New Experience of the New Museum" 31 Oct 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 12 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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