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Lund School of Architecture Celebrating Architecture Symposium

Courtesy of Lund School of Architecture

The Board of Education for the School of Architecture in Lund, Sweden, has together with guest Professor Sir Peter Cook, prepared the small Celebrating Architecture Symposium, on September 9, 2011.

The aim of this symposium is to create a dynamic dialogue where architecture, design and education are the main focus. With the help of merited guests, they are hoping to achieve a broad spectrum of dialogue and an innovative approach to progressive architectural education.

The theme this year is ‘What is the main focus in architecture today?’ More information on the event after the break.

To give the students the best start possible on their semester, we annually invite notable and well-known architects from all over the world to participate in a symposium. Exciting lectures, discussions and critiques involve students and professors as well as practicing architects and designers. With the help of merited guests, we are hoping to achieve a broad spectrum of dialogue and an innovative approach to progressive architectural education.

Celebrating Architecture is a day of lectures and discussions about designing for the future, considering the challenges of extreme environment, emerging technologies and innovative design aspects.

This year we are proud to present: Sir Peter Cook (London), CRAB Studio Marie-Therese Harnoncourt (Vienna), next ENTERprice – architects Izaskun Chinchilla (Madrid), Isaskun Chinchilla architects Julia Koerner (London), SUBDIVISION architectural research practice Adam Vukmanov (London), SUBDIVISION architectural research practice

For details on the event, visit here.

About this author
Cite: Alison Furuto. "Lund School of Architecture Celebrating Architecture Symposium" 28 Aug 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 18 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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