“If implemented, the material would take care of most of construction’s attempts at carbon reductions in one fell swoop,” says Material ConneXion Vice President Dr. Andrew H. Dent of the company’s selection for 2011 MEDIUM award. The selection, Novacem‘s Carbon Negative Cemement, replaces calcium carbonates used in typical cement formulation with magnesium silicates and uses a lower-temperature production process that runs on biomass fuels.
Typical cement is responsible for approximately 5 percent of man-made carbon dioxide; the emissions are caused by the processing of limestone and raw materials and the burning of fossil fuels.
Novacem associate engineer Daniel Bowden says that while the cement is still in development, it is already achieving strengths of up to 80 Mpa.
For information about the award and other cool new green products follow this link: http://archrecord.construction.com/products/ProductFocus/2011/1108green_materials/