The Illinois Institute of Technology College of Architecture, Chicago, and IE School of Architecture & Design, Madrid/Segovia, have joined forces to launch the IE/IIT Summer School, set to take place from July 8 to 15, 2011. The course, headed ATLAS ON DENSITY, will explore the cross implications of levels of density and sustainability from the sprawl of American suburbs to the extreme density of Asian cities.
The intensive 8-day studio-based design workshop will be held in Madrid and will provide enthusiastic architectural undergraduate and graduates worldwide with a stage for debating contemporary architectural and urban ideas, digital and analogue techniques, with an emphasis on inventive design and communication abilities. Using Madrid as a laboratory, participants will explore the architectural, urban, and environmental implications of density. Tutors from Chicago, Madrid, and Singapore, will use their own metropolitan backgrounds to enrich the potential evolution of Spain’s capital.
With Madrid serving as headquarters, case study subject, and site for field research, students will investigate specific urban sustainable challenges. For more information, visit the workshop’s official website.