Architect Decio Tozzi has shared with ArchDaily his proposal for a project at Chapadão Quarry in Campinas, outside of San Paulo, Brazil. Additional images and a brief description from the architect can be seen after the break.
The original rocky mountain was the object, in the beginning of the last century, of commercial mineral extraction.
This predatory activity carved the hillside of the mountain, shattering, in an utilitarian way, the big rock and generating an impressive sinuous space of monumental character and scale.
The project that we developed for the Chapadão quarry complies with a cultural program which was proposed for this singular area of the city of Campinas.
The smaller excavated area, with three stone walls, configured a new concert hall for the city through the simple intervention resulting from the construction of a transparent steel roof and concrete balconies and ramps.
The bigger excavated area will give form to a multiple use space an open area for the development of cultural, recreational and sports activities.
Architecture: Decio Tozzi Arquitetura e Urbanismo Location: Chapadão Quarry Park, Campinas – São Paulo – Brazil Architect Team: Author: Arch. Decio Tozzi, Co-Authors: Arch. Joaquim Caetano de Lima and Arch. José Luiz Tabith Structural Engineer: Escritório Técnico Figueiredo Ferraz Complementary Installations: MHA Engineering Landscape Architect: Rodolfo Geiser Project Area: 35,000 sqm Project Year: 2008