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ACADIA 2011 Design + Fabrication Competition: Sponsored by FLATCUT_

Courtesy of ACADIA

This year’s ACADIA 2011 Annual Conference, with the support of FLATCUT_, seeks proposals for innovative geometric forms that push the limits of design through the exploration of integrative material strategies for digitally fabricated assemblies. The competition hopes to address the questions that parametric design models are pose in terms of material practice: How does parametric design engage changes scale? How does the selection, tooling, and deployment of material shape the physical environment? How do inventive material pairings work positively and cohesively to produce new forms of assembly and environmental response? How do designers begin to embed parameters that engage concepts of sustainability, augmented performance and material flexibility?

The conference theme addresses integrative trajectories and areas of overlap between design and other disciplines. While design’s allied fields of engineering and construction will be explored, collaborative possibilities between design and other concentrations, such as computer science, material science, mathematics and biology will also be highlighted.

Details about the Conference and Call for Papers and Projects are now available at

About this author
Cite: Irina Vinnitskaya. "ACADIA 2011 Design + Fabrication Competition: Sponsored by FLATCUT_" 12 Apr 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 20 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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