The history of modern architecture has been well covered in classical surveys that traced the developments of this major movement that dominated the architectural landscape of the 20th century until the beginning of the 1970s, when a major contesting movement appeared on the scene, labelled as Post-Modernism. This book explores the different tendencies that affected the developments of the past six decades, beginning around the 1960s, when a new wind started to blow from within Modernism, leading to different reactions and counter-reactions. This book provides a survey of contemporary developments, starting with an introductory chapter on the transitional period of the 1960s and then examining the different movements that followed, charting a middle course between the 'aesthetic' histories that examine architecture solely in terms of its formal aspects, and the 'ideological' histories that subject it to a critique that often skirts the discussion of its formal aspects.
Foreword – Joan Ockman. Preface 1: Modernism and its Discontents 2: The Architecture of Beton Brut 3: Neo Rationalism 4: Post Modern Architecture 5: Regional Modernisms 6: The Technological Paradigm 7: The Continuing Legacy of Modernism 8: The Project of Deconstruction 9: Neo-Constructivism, Neo-Suprematism and the Return of the Avant Garde 10: Neo-Expressionism in Architecture 11: The Minimalist Aesthetic 12: New Directions in Contemporary Architecture
Modern Architecture in a Post Modern EraAuthor
Elie G. HaddadPublisher
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd, London, UKPublication year