Clashing titans, pixelated panache, and architectural convictions gone metaverse! Buckle up for "Façade," where Oren Safdie's play throws museum drama into a mind-bending mix of live human actors, holographic images akin to Tupac, and Macross Plus anime vibes. Think high-stakes art, ambition gone rogue, and a scene that's part stage, part digital playground, sans VR headset. Bring your open mind and thirst for the future of storytelling... today! Limited seats, so grab your curiosity goggles and join us in this experimental experience of a staged reading in the metaverse, intersecting with architecture, technology, and performance.
Q & A with playwright Oren Safdie, EVL, and Lira Luis FRIBA FRSA NCARB RA LEED AP, follows after the performance.
Presented in partnership with Chicago Architecture Biennial
FACADE by Oren Safdie, a metaverse readingType
Lira LouisFrom
February 09, 2024 06:00 PMUntil
February 09, 2024 08:30 PMVenue
Electronic Visualization LaboratoryAddress