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Rearview into Mirror in the Mirror with Kengo Kuma and Erieta Attali


Mirror in the Mirror, the most recent collaborative book between architect Kengo Kuma and photographer Erieta Attali, was born from the authors’ shared desire to transcend the limits of architecture and imagery and enhance the sensorial experience of the featured spaces. Attali’s photographs capture the interconnectedness of the built space with nature central to Kuma’s design practice where architecture reaches out into its surrounding environment, bringing nature back into its interiors. Meticulously crafted by designers Koma Amok for Hartmann Books, Mirror in the Mirror is a narrative depicting atmospheric moments and thresholds of transition, in an unfolding interplay of light and texture.

In this talk event moderated by Prof. Seng Kuan, Lecturer in Architecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, Kuma and Attali, accompanied by book contributor Prof. Barry Bergdoll, Meyer Schapiro Professor of Art History at Columbia University, will discuss the broader significance of this publication within the realms of architecture and photography. Followed by a book sale and signing reception.


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Cite: "Rearview into Mirror in the Mirror with Kengo Kuma and Erieta Attali" 10 Jan 2024. ArchDaily. Accessed 21 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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