Call to Architects: RSA Annual Exhibition 2024
The RSA Open Exhibition of Architecture is returning once again this spring as part of the 198th RSA Annual Exhibition.
On view from Saturday 11 May – Sunday 16 June 2024, the exhibition will showcase a diverse range of contemporary art and architecture from our Royal Scottish Academicians, invited exhibitors, plus artists and architects carefully selected from online open submissions.
The Open Architecture element aims to highlight some of the most stimulating, contemporary architectural practise across Scotland and beyond.
For this year’s architecture open call, a theme has been set to explore how a body of work might intersect, collide or align around an area of focus.
… seize today’s exceptional opportunities for mending present imbalances and stitching the highly damaged tapestry of our planet.
Yasmeen Jari, Letter to a Young Architect, Architectural Review 2021
Submissions are invited for works that respond to the theme of ‘Critical Action’. In the face of an ever-growing climate emergency and rising inequalities we welcome submissions that harness the potential of people, locality, materiality, and environment to positively shape our urban, rural and societal landscapes. We also invite new and developing work that challenges the status quo and ‘imagines what is possible’ (bell hooks, 2012).
The quality and character of works selected should reflect the world within which we work to ensure the RSA’s influence and relevance.
I’m aware that at present, the existing cohort of Academicians does not fully reflect society at present, and this needs to change. For this Open Call, I therefore specifically welcome applications from women, people of colour and other under-represented groups whilst we seek to address the ongoing issue of representation across the Academy at large. We also welcome applications from groups and/or inter-disciplinary collaborations to reflect the truly collective nature of architectural practise.
Jude Barber, Deputy Convenor (Architecture)
Submissions are accepted in any suitable medium - including models, drawings, collages, photography and film/animations.
Applicants are asked to acknowledge their submission related to the set theme in the 'Artwork Description' section during the application process so that the selection team can better understand the connections being made.
How to submit
• Architects may submit up to TWO works of any size.
• Work may be submitted in any suitable medium, including drawings, photography, models, video work etc.
• Entry is £30 per work (student and under 26s £10) plus £10 hanging fee if selected.
• Please read the Regulations and FAQs on our website before applying
Application deadline: Wednesday 21 February 2024, 5pm
Website: Exhibition Open Calls | Royal Scottish Academy
Call for Submissions: RSA Annual ExhibitionType
Call for SubmissionsOrganizers
Registration Deadline
February 21, 2024 11:53 AMSubmission Deadline
February 21, 2024 11:53 AMPrice