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  1. ArchDaily
  2. World Photo Day 2015

World Photo Day 2015: The Latest Architecture and News

World Photography Day 2015: The 10 Most-Saved Images in My ArchDaily

"Every picture tells a story" - at least, that's according to that great philosopher of our time, Rod Stewart. But what about the stories behind the pictures themselves? At ArchDaily we know that a great image requires not only great architecture but also a skilled photographer, so to celebrate World Photo Day we decided to find out more about the most popular images on ArchDaily. We've taken the ten most bookmarked images in My ArchDaily, and contacted some of the photographers to find out more about their images - read on to see the top ten, and to find out the stories behind six of them.

Help Us Celebrate World Photo Day 2015 by Using My ArchDaily

World Photo Day, to be celebrated on August 19th, is fast approaching. Last year we celebrated the occasion with a day of posts dedicated to the photographers who make ArchDaily - and indeed the architecture industry as we know it - possible, and this year we'd like to do something equally special with the help of our ArchDaily readers.

Using data from our My ArchDaily platform, we want to find out which photos are most popular among our readers, and then learn more about these images from the photographers who took them. To do this, we will take a selection of the images that have been bookmarked the most and then reach out to their photographers, asking them to share the story of how each image came together. So make sure to cast your "vote" for your favorite architectural image by bookmarking it in My ArchDaily!

Don't know how to bookmark photos in My ArchDaily? Find out after the break!