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Våler: The Latest Architecture and News

New Valer Church Proposal / Krill Architecture

New Valer Church Proposal / Krill Architecture - Image 25 of 4
Courtesy of Krill Architecture

In the competition for the church of Våler, Krill Architecture focused on a concept of an open ring in the woods. Tapping on a source of collective creativity in modern architecture, their design offers the chance to bring the development of church architecture to a new level. A building combining monumentality to accessibility, openness to spirituality, is awesome, while being friendly. In short: a church fitting in this time. More images and architects’ description after the break.

New Våler Church Proposal / Martina Engblom & Ragnar Eythorsson

New Våler Church Proposal / Martina Engblom & Ragnar Eythorsson - Image 8 of 4
Courtesy of Martina Engblom & Ragnar Eythorsson

As an attempt to translate the history and dignity this space possesses, the design proposal for the New Våler Church by Martina Engblom & Ragnar Eythorsson presents visitors with an upraised monolithic structure, calling attention to what lies underneath to create a space for reflection. In calling attention to its existance, or lack there of, the substructural remains of the old church becomes the presumption for the new church. More images and architects’ description after the break.