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Taylor Cullity Lethlean: The Latest Architecture and News

19 Playgrounds that Prove Architecture Isn't Just for Adults

Former US President Theodore Roosevelt once said that play is a fundamental need — so much so that playgrounds should be provided for every child, just as schools are.

In countries around the world, architects are becoming increasingly innovative to create environments where children can explore their imaginations.

Today, playgrounds can float entirely on the ocean, or take the shape of an enormous, colorful crocodile.

Keep scrolling to see some of the best playground designs around the world that will make you want to be a kid again.

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SLASH with Phillips/Pilkington Architects Win the Royal Adelaide Hospital Competition

Slash with Phillips/Pilkington Architects have been announced as the winners of the Royal Adelaide Hospital Site International Design Competition, which was open to registered architects and landscape architects from around the world. The competition centred around redesigning the current hospital site, which will be vacated in 2016, in order to create an iconic place within the Greater Riverbank Precinct of Adelaide. See the winning and shortlisted proposals after the break.

SLASH with Phillips/Pilkington Architects Win the Royal Adelaide Hospital Competition - Healthcare ArchitectureSLASH with Phillips/Pilkington Architects Win the Royal Adelaide Hospital Competition - Healthcare ArchitectureSLASH with Phillips/Pilkington Architects Win the Royal Adelaide Hospital Competition - Healthcare ArchitectureSLASH with Phillips/Pilkington Architects Win the Royal Adelaide Hospital Competition - Healthcare ArchitectureSLASH with Phillips/Pilkington Architects Win the Royal Adelaide Hospital Competition - More Images+ 31