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Nka Foundation: The Latest Architecture and News

Winners of 2017 Land Art Competition Create Installations for Art Village in Ghana

The winners of the 2017 Land Art Competition have been announced, with submissions responding to the challenge of creating site-specific installations in rural Ghana, as part of a larger initiative to enrich the Abetenim Arts Village. The aim was to complement the village’s learning center with other creative spaces for communal living and working, thus “creating a truly unique experience that becomes emblematic of what an art village is and how it needs to function as a place.”

Selected entries will also have the opportunity to be fully realized onsite, through various land art workshops held by the Nka Foundation over the course of the next two years. Here are the winning entries:


Nka Foundation invites submissions from creative practitioners and organizations dedicated to community placemaking to participate in its 2017 Land Art Competition. The competition is open to landscape architects, artists, curators, designers, architects, urban planners, structural engineers, university students and others from around the world to submit ideas for large-scale and site-specific public art installations based on site in rural Ghana. The submitted entries can be functional or nonfunctional works but must aim at creating a truly unique experience that becomes emblematic of what an arts village is and how it needs to function as a PLACE.

4th Earth Architecture Competition: Designing a School for Ghana

Nka Foundation announces a call for entries for its 4th Earth Architecture Competition: Designing a School for Ghana, an international architecture competition open to graduates and advanced students of architecture, design and others from around the world who think earth architecture can be beautiful.

Three Winning Schemes Reinvent the African Mud Hut

The Nka Foundation recently challenged young graduates and students of architecture to redesign the African mud hut for Ghana. The result, three designs received top honors for being both functional and beautiful, and will now be realized through a series of building workshops that you can participate in. Learn more and check out the winning designs, after the break.