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NIPpaysage: The Latest Architecture and News

Montreal's Oldest and Most Important Square to be Redesigned by Nippaysage

Viger Square, Montreal's first large square, is getting a makeover. The redevelopment project is being led by landscape architects NIPPAYSAGE, which will begin the first phase of redesign in 2017.

Historically, the 30,000 square foot center has always contributed to the liveliness of the city, and it was the largest square in Canada in the 19th century. Now coinciding with the adjacent redevelopment of retail and office spaces at the Viger Hotel, the city hopes for a major revitalization of the area. 

Montreal's Oldest and Most Important Square to be Redesigned by Nippaysage  - Image 1 of 4Montreal's Oldest and Most Important Square to be Redesigned by Nippaysage  - Image 2 of 4Montreal's Oldest and Most Important Square to be Redesigned by Nippaysage  - Image 3 of 4Montreal's Oldest and Most Important Square to be Redesigned by Nippaysage  - Image 4 of 4Montreal's Oldest and Most Important Square to be Redesigned by Nippaysage  - More Images+ 28

Place de L’Acadie Park / NIPpaysage

Place de L’Acadie Park / NIPpaysage - Image 11 of 4
Courtesy of NIPpaysage

NIPpaysage has shared this small-scale project for the Place de L’Acadie Park in Quebec, Montreal. It functions on a neighborhood scale and reinforces the various public spaces in within the context of the site.

Read on for more information.