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MAXXI: The Latest Architecture and News

ELASTICOFarm, Led by Stefano Pujatti, Wins the Italian Architecture Prize

Architecture studio ELASTICOFarm, led by Stefano Pujatti, has been awarded the Premio Italiano di Architettura (Italian Architecture Prize), promoted by the Triennale di Milano and MAXXI. The award, now in its fourth edition, is received in recognition of their S-LAB project, a new building in Turin, Italy, for the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). The prize highlights works of architecture with high design quality and an attentive approach to innovation and the social role of architecture.

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Space Popular Adapts Aldo Rossi’s Concepts of Urbanism to the Virtual Realms of the Metaverse

Through the “Search History” exhibition at MAXXI Museum in Rome, Lara Lesmes and Fredrik Hellberg, directors of the architecture and art studio Space Popular, set out to explore the work of Also Rossi and to translate his notions of “urban fact” and “analogous city” to the virtual realm. The installation is a reflection on the proliferation of metaverse platforms and the concept of virtual urbanism. The exhibition is part of the fifth edition of Studio Visit, a partnership between Alcantara and the MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, which challenges designers to put forward a personal reinterpretation of the works of the masters in the MAXXI Architecture Collections.

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MAXXI Museum Celebrates Female Architects Through "Good News. Women in Architecture" Exhibition

MAXXI Museum Celebrates Female Architects Through "Good News. Women in Architecture" Exhibition - Featured Image
© Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini courtesy of Fondazione MAXXI

MAXXI Museum celebrates women in architecture in a new exhibition that documents the transformative role of female architects in the profession's evolution over the last century. Curated by Pippo Ciorra, Elena Motisi, Elena Tinacci, and with exhibition design by Matilde Cassani, Good News. Women in Architecture weaves together in four thematic sections the history of women in architecture, with the work of contemporary practitioners and the voices of young collectives, telling the stories of over eighty female architects.

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Call for Entries: Outdoor Lab – a Multifunctional Area

OUTDOOR LAB is an initiative promoted by NUfactory within the Outdoor Festival 2016. The competition aims to exploit one of the former pavilions of the Guido Reni military station, reflecting on the theme of conversion that the space is experiencing: transform an old industrial laboratory in a meeting space, production, sharing and experimentation.

Orizzontale's Recycled Keg Wall Wins YAP MAXXI

Just as the 2014 winners of the Young Architects Program (YAP) in Chile and Korea were announced this week, the architecture collective of Orizzontale was crowned victorious for the program’s MAXXI edition in Rome.

The winning scheme, dubbed “8 1/2,” will be a translucent wall of recycled beer kegs and an inhabitable timber podium that will be used as a stage for summer events within the confines of the MAXXI piazza. Shaded during the day and illuminated at night, the glass wall is intended to inspire people to rest, play, watch and listen.

YAP 2013: bam! Debuts ‘He’ at MAXXI

He has made his debut in the MAXXI piazza. As the winner of the Young Architects Program (YAP) in Rome, Turin-based studio Bam! Bottega di Architettura metropolitan has transformed the concrete facade of the Zaha Hadid-designed museum into a visual spectacular with the installation of a yellow, translucent and aerostatic prism.

bam! Wins YAP MAXXI 2013

bam! Wins YAP MAXXI 2013 - Featured Image
Courtesy of MAXXI

With an intention to attract and impress viewers with his massive scale, He has been selected as winner of the 2013 Young Architects Program (YAP) MAXXI in Rome, an annual competition that promotes and supports young and emerging architects in collaboration with MAXXI Architettura, MoMA/MoMA PS1 of New York, Constructo of Santiago and, for the first time, Istanbul Modern, Turkey.

Turin-based studio bam! bottega di architettura sostenibile, designed He as a grandiose and buoyant installation that transforms the concrete MAXXI facade and expansive piazza into a visual spectacular, while offering a shady escape from the Summer heat.

MAXXI's 2013 Young Architects Program Finalists

MAXXI's 2013 Young Architects Program Finalists - Featured Image

The MAXXI Museum in Rome has announced the five young designers who will compete for the opportunity to design and build a space for live summer events in the large courtyard of the MoMA PS1 in NY, the MAXXI Plaza in Rome, and - for the first time - at Turkey's Istanbul Modern.

Each of the finalist's projects will also be displayed as exhibitions at the four institutions participating in the Young Architects Program (YAP): the MAXXI, the MoMA PS1, Constructo (a Chilean cultural institution), and Istanbul Modern.

The five finalists have until January 2013 to submit their proposals. The chosen project will be constructed and inaugurated in June. 

More information of the five finalists, after the break...

Urban Movement Design debuts UNIRE/UNITE at MAXXI (Young Architects Program)

Urban Movement Design debuts UNIRE/UNITE at MAXXI (Young Architects Program) - Image 17 of 4
Courtesy of Fondazione MAXXI © Cecilia Fiorenza

Urban Movement Design, winner of the 2012 Young Architects Program (YAP) MAXXI in Rome, has reinvented the MAXXI experience by engaging the mind and body with their interactive, summer installation. UNIRE/UNITE responds to the current public health crisis by offering an alternative solution to traditional urban furniture that choreographs exercise and play back into our daily lives. As our world struggles in crisis, Urban Movement Design believes it is imperative that we rethink the way we live and change the disabling, sedentary lifestyles that are currently promoted by our built environment.

The New York and Rome-based practice has merged the two disciplines of architecture and movement therapies in an effort to integrate health back into design and promote a greater sense of community. This project is a reflection of their philosophy. Continue after the break to learn more.

Urban Movement Design: “All of nature acts according to the law of interconnectedness, but humankind has moved away from this natural law and into an unnatural state of self-interest and isolation.”

YAP MAXXI 2012 Runner-Up: Nami / VeryVery Architecture Office

YAP MAXXI 2012 Runner-Up: Nami / VeryVery Architecture Office - Image 34 of 4
Courtesy of Very Very Architecture Office

ArchDaily announced the winning proposal for the Young Architects Program (YAP) MAXXI 2012 in late February. In order to bring you full coverage of the annual competition, we are featuring the other four creative designs that competed against UNIRE/UNITE. NAMI, which means “wave” in Japanese, is a project that reflects contemporaneity, aims to send a message about the importance of harmony, and to create a bridge between people and cultures. This proposal, designed by VeryVery Architecture Office, is very simple and essential: an airy space provided with shadow, movable sitting benches, and a space that can accommodate different types of events and activities. Imbued with an experimental spirit and a strong attention to sustainability, NAMI offers a chance to express the social and cultural values requested by the Young Architecture Program.

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YAP MAXXI 2012 Winner is UNIRE/UNITE by Urban Movement Design

YAP MAXXI 2012 Winner is UNIRE/UNITE by Urban Movement Design - Image 1 of 4
Courtesy of MoMA

The program promoting and supporting young architecture organized by MAXXI Architettura together with MoMA/MoMA PS1 in New York and CONSTRUCTO of Santiago in Chile has announced UNIRE/UNITE by Urban Movement Design as winner of the 2012 Young Architects Program (YAP) MAXXI in Rome. Following MAXXI’s first successful summer installation named WHATAMI by stARTT, Urban Movement Design now has the opportunity to reinvent the MAXXI piazza with an interactive installation featuring a long and sinuous band of wood and grass that encourages a playful bond between the building and its users. This proposal was selected over four other shortlisted contestants who where chosen by an Italian jury.

Both UNIRE/UNITE by Urban Movement Design and WENDY by HWKN (HollwichKushner) will be inaugurated in the MAXXI piazza and the courtyard at MoMA PSI in June 2012, along with an exhibit showcasing the fifteen design proposals from the finalists.

Continue reading for more information on this years MAXXI winner, UNIRE/UNITE.

MAXXI: Joshua Prince Ramus (REX architects) Event

MAXXI: Joshua Prince Ramus (REX architects) Event - Featured Image
Courtesy of Y1/cityvision

Architect Joshua Prince Ramus (REX architects), just awarded as one of the five greatest architects under 50 in the world, will hold a main lecture at the MAXXI at 6:00pm on September 16th during the event Y1 – Independent Architecture Stuff organized by Cityvision Mag and curated by Francesco Lipari and Vanessa Todaro. More information on the event after the break.