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MANIFESTO: The Latest Architecture and News

Rethinking Le Corbusier's Manifesto: 6 Explorations That Break Away From Modernist Ideals

Rethinking Le Corbusier's Manifesto: 6 Explorations That Break Away From Modernist Ideals - Image 4 of 4
The Society of the Spectacle / Guy Debord

“A model by Corbusier is the only image that brings to my mind the idea of immediate suicide.” - Ivan Chtcheglov

Despite their pranks and dirty politics, the Situationists may have been right after all. The death of architecture students will not be a result of excessive studio work, but will rather occur from the sermonizing repetition of modernist ideals that continue to be taught. In Le Corbusier's manifesto, Vers une Architecture (Toward An Architecture), he advocates for the adoption of modern architecture as the solution to 20th-century global crises, in a way that now seems rather limiting. 

If the discipline doesn't move past the black-and-white photographs of the Barcelona Pavilion or the reductionist designs of the Bauhaus, students will continue to produce what may now be incorrectly associated with the “right architecture.” In order to break away from these stereotypes of what architecture should be, here are six explorations of building, curating and writing that resist these notions:

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Robert A. M. Stern Advocates the Return of the Garden Suburb

The modern suburb has become an unruly sprawl, homogenous in style and over-dependent on the automobile. However, according to Robert A. M. Stern's new manifesto “Paradise Planned: The Garden Suburb and the Modern City,” there is a superior alternative for suburban development that could attract millennials and preserve quality of life in terms of health, economic savings, and physical safety: the centrally planned, pedestrian-friendly garden suburb. You can learn more about Stern’s 1,072 page manifesto on the garden suburb in this article by the New York Times.

Open Paradox - KAIST IT Convergence Center / MANIFESTO and ILKUN

Open Paradox - KAIST IT Convergence Center  / MANIFESTO and ILKUN - Image 2 of 4
Courtesy of MANIFESTO

Open Paradox, MANIFESTO and ILKUN‘s proposal for the IT Convergence Center for KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), aims to provide a truly multi-disciplinary research and educational environment for the institute. Located on the sloped East Campus Plaza of KAIST, the building allows free-flowing interaction between students and faculty of multiple academic disciplines as well as with the remaining school population and the public, fostering an atmosphere of creativity and openness.

This proposal received 3rd Prize at the Design Competition and was the recipient of a 2010 AIA NY Design Award.

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Architects: MANIFESTO Architecture P.C. (Design Architect) and ILKUN Architects & Engineers Ltd. (Local Architect) Location: Daejeon, Korea Consultants: Yoshinori Nito Engineering & Design P.C. Renderings: Courtesy of MANIFESTO. Design Team: Jeeyong An, Sang Hwa lee, Gi Young Park, JiYoon Oh, Sorae Yoo, Eunchung Na, Ulyong Moon, Sieun Lee (Manifesto) Ilin Hwang, Sung Jung Chough, Hyejin Choi, Hyunhee An, Byunghoon Kim, Yongik Won (Ilkun).

Modern Atlanta Prize 2011

Modern Atlanta Prize 2011 - Featured Image

Modern Atlanta (MA) is pleased to announce the first annual Modern Atlanta Prize 2011 competition. The prize intends to highlight talented designers and their projects each year under a new and interesting theme.

Bike Hanger / MANIFESTO

Bike Hanger / MANIFESTO - Featured Image
Courtesy of MANIFESTO Architecture P.C.

The Bike Hanger is an essential facility for the city of Seoul which aims to increase its bicycle-friendliness. The facility is not only low-maintenance and environmentally friendly, but by being installed in between buildings it takes advantage of many of the underutilized spaces that exist around the city. Each Hanger is able to store between 20-36 bicycles and it is easily attached to the sides of buildings, allowing minimal interference with the pedestrian traffic below.

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Architects: MANIFESTO Architecture P.C. Location: Between Buildings Project Area: 60 sqf Construction Budget: $100,000 Project Status: Shortlist for ‘Seoul International Design Competition: Design for All’ and Shortlist for ‘Seoul Cycle Design Competition 2010′ Renderings: MANIFESTO Architecture P.C. Design Team: Jeeyong An, Sang Hwa lee, JiYoon Oh, Sang Hee Jun.


Courtesy of MANIFESTO Architecture P.C.

New York based design firm, MANIFESTO, shared with Arch Daily the INFORSTRUCTURE which is the Stratford Information kiosk for the 2012 London Olympics is designed with an aim to provide the public with free and instant access to important information.


Architects: MANIFESTO Architecture P.C. Location: Meridian Square, Stratford London, UK Client: LBN (London Borough of Newham), DfL (Design for London), London Development Agency Structural Engineer: Yoshinori Nito Engineering & Design P.C., Malishev Wilson Engineers Project Area: 240 sqm Renderings: Courtesy of MANIFESTO Architecture P.C. Design Team: Jeeyong An, Sang Hwa lee, Kiseok Oh, JiYoon Oh.