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KuiperCompagnons: The Latest Architecture and News

Foster + Partners, Morphosis, UNStudio Lead List to Design Chinese Eco-Island

Hainan Airlines Group has announced an international competition between 10 top architecture firms to design the master plan and central buildings of the South Sea Pearl Eco-Island, an island located in Haikou Bay, on the island of Hainan, China. Featuring teams from China, Europe and the United States, the competition calls for the creation of an 250 hectare eco-tourism hub, which will contain housing, hotels, tourist attractions and a port with capacity for two large cruise ships.

Agung Sedayu Center / KuiperCompagnons

Agung Sedayu Center / KuiperCompagnons - Featured Image
Courtesy KuiperCompagnons

Rotterdam based KuiperCompagnons has recently won first prize in the design competition for the sustainable office building Agung Sedayu Center in Jakarta. Further images of their winning design as well as a description from the architects can be seen after the break.