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Kenya Hara: The Latest Architecture and News

New Images of Completed Pavilions Released as HOUSE VISION Tokyo Opens to the Public

New images from HOUSE VISION Tokyo 2016 have been released as the event opened to the public this past weekend. This year’s theme, “Co-Dividual: Split and Connect / Separate and Come Together,” explores how architecture can create new connections between individuals, and the ways Japanese housing can adapt to cultural shifts through the implementation of technology.

This year’s exhibition features house designs by top Japanese architects including Sou Fujimoto, Kengo Kuma, Shigeru Ban and Atelier Bow-Wow, each paired with a leading company to envision and implement new strategies in housing design.

Continue after the break to see images from the event and the pavilions.

HOUSE VISION Tokyo Returns for Summer 2016 to Exhibit 12 Home Ideas

Following the success of the inaugural HOUSE VISION Tokyo in 2013, the exhibition is set to return again this summer under the theme of “Co-Dividual: Split and Connect / Separate and Come Together.” Once again curated by Kenya Hara, designer and creative director for minimalist housewares retailer Muji, the month-long event will tackle the objective of “thinking about how to create new connections between individuals,” as well as build upon the topics explored by its previous edition, namely the ways in which Japanese housing can adapt to recent demographic, technological and cultural shifts, and the vision of the house as the intersection between industries.

This year’s exhibition will feature house designs by top Japanese architects such as Sou Fujimoto, Kengo Kuma, Shigeru Ban and Atelier Bow-Wow, each paired with a leading company to envision and implement new strategies in housing design. The houses will be constructed at full-scale, allowing event-goers to fully experience and reflect upon each design.

HOUSE VISION Tokyo Returns for Summer 2016 to Exhibit 12 Home Ideas - Image 1 of 4HOUSE VISION Tokyo Returns for Summer 2016 to Exhibit 12 Home Ideas - Image 2 of 4HOUSE VISION Tokyo Returns for Summer 2016 to Exhibit 12 Home Ideas - Image 3 of 4HOUSE VISION Tokyo Returns for Summer 2016 to Exhibit 12 Home Ideas - Image 4 of 4HOUSE VISION Tokyo Returns for Summer 2016 to Exhibit 12 Home Ideas - More Images+ 24

House Vision 2013 Exhibition Hits Tokyo

House Vision 2013 Exhibition Hits Tokyo - Residential Architecture
Courtesy of Retail Design Blog

Graphic designer and curator Kenya Hara has put together a three week-long exhibition in Tokyo focusing on the future of the Japanese house. Hara argues that the housing industry can no longer be isolated but must be combined with other industries, technologies and ideas, including energy, transportation, communication, household appliances, the "vision of happiness" pursued by adults, the representation of Japanese traditions and aesthetics as well as a future vision of health. All of these elements he hopes to present and discuss at the House Vision Exhibition where more than ten types of futuristic houses are on display and daily seminars with expert urban planners, developers, contractors, architects, telecom and even gas organizations have been taking place.

Read more about the exhibition after the break.