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d3: The Latest Architecture and News

d3 Announces Winners of 2016 Natural Systems Competition

Awarding the top ecological projects of the year, d3 has announced this year’s winners of its Natural Systems competition. Established in 2009, the annual competition has grown into one of the most notable awards in speculative, performance-based design. The brief challenges architects, designers, engineers, and students to develop ideas for sustainable living by exploring natural processes. This year’s program was co-directed by Ji Young Kim of Shigeru Ban Architects and Gregory Marinic of the Syracuse University School of Design.

Read on to find out about the jury’s picks for the top three projects and seven special mentions.

Winners of d3 Unbuilt Visions 2014 Competition Announced

Three grand prize winners and seven special mention recipients of d3's Unbuilt Visions 2014 (UV2014) competition have been revealed. Open to professionals and students alike, the annual competition challenges participants to use stellar unbuilt concepts as vessels for conversation. Spanning the realm of architecture, urbanism, interiors, and designed objects, Unbuilt Visions recognizes projects that spark interdisciplinary debate and exploit the innovative spirit of the 21st Century.

Learn more about UV2014 and check out the winning projects, after the break.

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Competition: d3 Natural Systems 2014

Natural systems offer architects and designers significant potential as alternative, ecologically performative architectonic strategies. The d3 Natural Systems competition invites architects, designers, engineers, and students to collectively explore the potential of analyzing, documenting, and deploying nature-based influences in architecture, urbanism, interiors, and designed objects.

Winners of d3 Unbuilt Visions 2013 Competition Announced

d3 has unveiled the 2013 winners of Unbuilt Visions, a competition designed to “promote critical debate about architecture and design by acknowledging excellence in unbuilt projects.” Get a glimpse of the four grand prize projects, which were awarded $750 each for their winning contributions, and the eleven special mentions after the break.

d3 Housing Tomorrow Competition 2014

Investigation of contextual, cultural, and life cycle flows offers a critical filter for visualizing innovative future housing strategies. Established in 2010, the annual d3 Housing Tomorrow competition has grown to become a leading voice in alternative residential architecture and one of the most notable awards in speculative, performance-based housing design.

Winners of d3 Natural Systems 2013 Competition Announced

d3 has announced the winners of its Natural Systems Competition for 2013, an annual award that offers architects, designers, engineers and students the chance to investigate natural processes from the microscopic to macroscopic scale, and propose innovative and nature-based solutions in architecture, urbanism, interiors and product design for sustainable living.

The jury, a panel of architects and designers engaged in sustainable practices and computational explorations, has this year selected a top three as well as fourteen special mentions. Join us after the break for images from all 17 designs.

d3 Housing Tomorrow 2012 Winners

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d3 is pleased to announce the winners of the 2012 Housing Tomorrow competition. The annual competition promotes the exploration of contextual, cultural, and life cycle flows that offer new housing strategies for living in the future. Sponsored by New York-based d3, the competition invites architects, designers, engineers, and students to collectively explore innovative approaches to residential urbanism, architecture, interiors, and designed objects.

d3 recognizes innovative strategies that challenge conventional housing typologies with emerging planning strategies, advanced technologies and alternative materials. Competition submissions for 2012 reflect forces of globalization and adaptation, as well as the changing nature of visualization in academia and professional design practice. As an annual competition, d3 Housing Tomorrow seeks to identify and celebrate emerging voices and visionary proposals that connect housing with people, context and ecologies.

Continue after the break to view the three winners and twelve honorable mentions selected by the jury.

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“Close The Gap” Competition Winners

“Close The Gap” Competition Winners - Image 3 of 4
© 2011 d3

d3 and Transportation Alternatives are pleased to announce the winners of the “Close The Gap” design competition, which invited architects, landscape architects, urban designers, engineers and students worldwide to envision the completion of the East River Greenway. Submissions from Architects and the design team of James and Madeline Stokoe were selected by the jurors for their outstanding work. The competition called for proposals that fundamentally transform how people move through Manhattan by filling in a 22-block gap along the East River. More information on the competition awards after the break.

d3 Natural Systems 2010 International Architectural Design Competition

d3 Natural Systems 2010 International Architectural Design Competition - Featured Image

Exploration of natural systems from the microscopic to the universal unearths vast design potential for overlaying cultural, ecological, and life cycle flows toward determining new architectonic strategies.

d3 Housing Tomorrow competition winners announced

d3 Housing Tomorrow competition winners announced - Image 1 of 4

d3 is pleased to announce the winners of the Housing Tomorrow competition for 2010. The program, developed by co-directors Gregory Marinic and Mary-Jo Schlachter, promotes investigation of housing typologies toward determining new architectonic strategies for living in the future. The competition invites architects, designers, engineers, and students to collectively explore, document, analyze, transform, and deploy innovative approaches to residential urbanism, architecture, interiors, and designed objects.

The competition awarded three prizes and eight special mentions, with first prize captured by Liminal Projects for their project: Home Spun: Water Harvesting Prefab Urban Housing for the Great Lakes Region. See the three prizes after the break. Special Mentions projects can be seen in the competition’s official website.

International Competition: d3 Housing Tomorrow

International Competition: d3 Housing Tomorrow - Featured Image

Exploration of housing typologies reveals vast the potential of overlaying urban, contextual, cultural, social, and life cycle flows toward determining new architectonic strategies for the future. The d3 Housing Tomorrow Competition invites architects, designers, engineers, and students to collectively explore, document, analyze, transform, and deploy innovative approaches to residential urbanism, architecture, interiors, and designed objects.

d3 Natural Systems 2009 Competition winners announced

d3 Natural Systems 2009 Competition winners announced - Featured Image

Architectural Design Competition d3 is pleased to announce the winners of the Natural Systems competition for 2009. The program promotes investigation of natural systems from microscopic to universal toward determining new architectonic strategies.

The competition invited architects, designers, engineers, and students to collectively explore the potential for analyzing, documenting, and deploying nature-based, sustainable influences in urbanism, architecture, interiors, and designed objects.

The competition awarded seven prizes, with first place captured by London-based Kenny Kinugasa-Tsui and Lorene Faure for their project: “Urban Agriculture: Hybridized Farm Bridge as City Garden”. Some of the awards, after the break.