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  2. Bruce Mau Design

Bruce Mau Design: The Latest Architecture and News

Let's Design How we Behave: In Conversation with Bruce Mau

In a recent interview with Louisiana Channel, graphic designer-turned-architect Bruce Mau explains how design is a mindset "of optimism and action". The designer talks about how architecture and design can influence and give form to the world we are sharing, and explains how we are the ones who design the outcomes of life, leaving no room for cynicism.

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Stoss Unveils New Chouteau Greenway Plan for St. Louis

Stoss Landscape Urbanism is leading a 13-firm team creating the new Chouteau Greenway Framework Plan for St. Louis. The framework plan consists of a series of geographic, equity, economic, architectural, programming, art and design guidelines that will serve as the master plan for projects. As winners of the competition, the team is exploring how to incorporate connection, inclusion, and joy along the Greenway.

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