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Botany: The Latest Architecture and News

Monocle 24 Investigates Gardens and the Public Life of Plants

This edition of Section D, Monocle 24's weekly review of design, architecture and craft, is dedicated to plants and gardens and specifically their role in architecture, urban life, and the design of the workplace. The episode considers the history of London’s urban greenery and the role of plants in landscape architecture touching upon, in conversation with Sam Jacob, the latest in London's green infrastructure: Heatherwick Studio's proposed Garden Bridge across the River Thames. It also traces the lineage of semi-private squares in Georgian London to Ebenezer Howard's Garden City movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries – all approaches discussing how best to unite the built environment with the natural world.

Monocle 24 Investigates Gardens and the Public Life of Plants - Image 1 of 4

Botany Studio + House / Workshop1

Botany Studio + House / Workshop1 - Offices, FacadeBotany Studio + House / Workshop1 - OfficesBotany Studio + House / Workshop1 - Offices, Door, Facade, Chair, BathtubBotany Studio + House / Workshop1 - OfficesBotany Studio + House / Workshop1 - More Images+ 20

  • Architects: Workshop1
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  140
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2008