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10 Year Award: The Latest Architecture and News

Deutsche Post Towers Wins CTBUH 10 Year Award

Deutsche Post Towers in Bonn Germany has received the 10 Year Award from the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH). Completed in 2002 and designed by Murphy/Jahn, Post Tower was a leader in introducing high performance design elements to create a more efficient and pleasant office environment, and has now been recognized by this unique award which rewards proven value and performance in a tall building over a period of 10 years since its completion, and offers a valuable look at the life of buildings long after the initial designs are realized. Read on after the break to learn more about the winning building.

The Gherkin Receives CTBUH’s Inaugural 10 Year Award

Norman Foster’s Swiss Re Headquarters, a.k.a. “The Gherkin,” has been selected as the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s (CTBUH) first 10 Year Award recipient. The uniquely-shaped skyscraper, as described by CTBUH, “cleared the way for a new generation of tall buildings in London and beyond. Ten years on, its tapering form and diagonal bracing structure afford numerous benefits: programmatic flexibility, naturally ventilated internal social spaces that provide user comfort while reducing energy demand, and ample, protected public space at the ground level.”

The Gherkin Receives CTBUH’s Inaugural 10 Year Award - SkyscrapersThe Gherkin Receives CTBUH’s Inaugural 10 Year Award - SkyscrapersThe Gherkin Receives CTBUH’s Inaugural 10 Year Award - SkyscrapersThe Gherkin Receives CTBUH’s Inaugural 10 Year Award - SkyscrapersThe Gherkin Receives CTBUH’s Inaugural 10 Year Award - More Images