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Javier de Paz García


Home Back Home: An Architectural Response to Moving Back in With Your Parents

Moving back home with your parents after living independently can often create spatial tension, as the furniture and rooms that sufficed for your teenage years may no longer serve the needs of young adult life. Spanish firm PKMN [pacman] Architectures’ latest project Home Back Home, seeks to provide an architectural and spatial solution for the temporary living spaces that result from moving back home.

With it becoming increasingly common in Spain for young adults between the ages of 25 and 40 to move back into their parents’ homes, PKMN sought to answer the question: What are the domestic models resulting from this change of paradigm and economic collapse? To answer this question and develop their Home Back Home project, the studio carried out two case studies. Learn more about their proposal and see their spatial solutions, after the break.

Home Back Home: An Architectural Response to Moving Back in With Your Parents - More Images+ 17