Even though Isaac Newton’s experiments and observations led to the development of the color wheel during the 17th century, his revolution in the understanding and application of colors continues to influence the creation of architecture and design projects. Arranging colors in a circular format, Newton mapped the color spectrum to create the first color wheel. As a visual representation of how colors relate to each other, it has been a fundamental tool for artists, architects, and designers to understand color relationships and therefore create appealing palettes for each space. Beyond merely “eyeing” color combinations, applying the color theory based on the geometric relationships in the color wheel helps designers determine which colors are suitable together. Color has the ability to play with spatial perception, create a sense of atmosphere, and evoke emotional responses, making it essential for design.
Metallic Layers in Dialogue with Light: An Abstract Intervention at Casa Batlló
Some architects have left their mark on history; one such case is Antonio Gaudí. Through his nature-inspired conceptions, he became the foremost representative of Catalan modernism. The impact of Gaudí's work can be seen on various architectural scales, including the Sagrada Familia, Parc Güell, Colònia Güell, Casa Milà, and Casa Battló, the latter being an iconic landmark of Barcelona’s architecture.
Greenhouses: Spaces for Coexistence between Nature and People
Researchers point out that "proto-greenhouses" arose to fulfill the desire of the Roman Emperor Tiberius (42 BC to 37 AD) to eat cucumbers every day of the year. Since it was impossible to grow the vegetable on the island of Capri in winter, his gardeners developed beds mounted on wheels that they would move into the sun when possible, while on winter days they would place them under translucent covers made of Selenite (a type of gypsum with a glassy appearance). But the production of large-scale greenhouses only became possible after the Industrial Revolution with the availability of mass-produced glass sheets. Since then, they have been used to grow food and flowers, forming a microclimate suitable for plant species even in places with severe climates. But in some cases, these artificial growing conditions can also form interesting living spaces. The recent Lacaton & Vassal awards rekindled this interest. How is it possible to create greenhouses that can be good for both humans and plants?
Henning Larsen Reveals Design for Smyril Line's New Headquarters and Ferry Terminal in Torshavn, Faroe Islands
Henning Larsen has just revealed the design for Smyril Line's new headquarters and ferry terminal in Torshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands. The building pays homage to traditional Faroese fishing boats and the historic Eastern harbor while embracing the picturesque backdrop of abundant landscapes and open seas. The new headquarters serves three functions: a ferry terminal, an office building, and a logistics center.
Navigating Complexity and Change in Architecture with Data-Driven Technologies
The architecture profession is increasingly facing the pressures of a rapidly changing era marked by urbanization, population growth, and climate change. To effectively navigate the complexities surrounding architectural and urban projects, there has been an acceleration in the adoption and integration of data-driven technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. However, valid concerns have risen regarding the potential loss of the designer's creative control, with fears that their role may be reduced to a mere "parameter adjuster." Is this a genuine possibility or merely a reflection of resistance to change?
Improving Concrete Durability for Critical Applications
Concrete, second only to water, is the most consumed material worldwide due to its structural strength, ease of handling, and versatility. Comprised of cement, sand, gravel, and water, it is extensively used in construction projects of various scales. However, even this resilient material can deteriorate over time, necessitating maintenance or, in severe cases, demolition. Abrasion and erosion are factors that can adversely affect the appearance of concrete, remove its protective layer, create a rough surface, and potentially lead to structural issues. These challenges are particularly critical in large and complex construction sites, where any irregularities or unevenness can result in significant losses and complications for architects, engineers, and contractors.
Ventilated Facades for Energy-Efficient Building Rehabilitation
Enhancing the energy performance of existing buildings through refurbishment processes provides the opportunity to create more comfortable and sustainable environments, while also improving their functionality, aesthetics, and safety. Architectural approaches to these renovations encompass various aspects of a building, including interior spaces, structure, internal systems, and facades.
What's the Water Footprint of Your Architecture Project?
As awareness of water scarcity, water stress and environmental sustainability grows around the world, the concept of "water footprint" is becoming increasingly relevant. Unlike its more popular cousin, "carbon footprint", which focuses on greenhouse gas emissions, the water footprint (WF) provides a holistic view of water used throughout the life cycle of a product, process, or activity. It measures the amount of water consumed (directly and indirectly) and polluted –taking into account different types of water resources– and serves as a valuable tool for companies, policymakers, and individuals to understand and address their water-related impacts. There are even online calculators that measure our individual footprints through simple questions about our homes, appliances and even eating habits.
Clay as a Sustainable Raw Material for High Quality and Durable Pavers
Composed of very fine mineral particles and formed through the weathering and erosion of rocks over long periods of time, clay has properties that make it useful for a wide range of applications. When wet, it becomes extremely malleable and plastic, and can be molded into different shapes. When dry, it is hard and rigid, and is widely used for construction and ceramics. Clay pavers are quite common for outdoor use due to their durability, resistance to weather and traffic, their natural hues and ease of installation.
8 Common Building Access Requirements for Architectural Projects
In medieval cities, walls played a crucial function, acting both as a defense against external threats and as a symbol of power and control, while also regulating local trade. The access to the interior of these cities was strictly controlled by guarded gates, drawbridges, and portcullises, ensuring the free flow of local residents and simultaneously obstructing travelers and potential invaders. While fortified towers and armed guards are now primarily associated with prisons, creating access conditions that promote security, reliability, and practicality remains a challenge for architects and designers, especially in complex infrastructure projects such as airports, hospitals, and educational centers.
Pump Stations: A Practical and Cost-Effective Solution for Wastewater Management
Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans understood long ago the importance of sanitation and wastewater management, building elaborate sewage systems by using underground drainage channels to carry wastewater away from their cities. These systems relied on gravity to transport wastewater to nearby bodies of water, since water cannot flow upward without being pumped. Today, many sewage systems continue using gravity in a similar way, with a suitable slope that facilitates the flow of wastewater downhill to treatment facilities or other infrastructure. This also occurs inside private lots, where a height difference is needed between the building's piping and the urban drainage or sewage system. But there are times when the available height difference is not sufficient, or when the system is lower than necessary, causing gravity to get in the way, and making the system impossible to function in turn.
Designing Naturally Illuminated Learning Environments on a Tight Budget
As societies evolve, educational facilities also undergo continuous transformation processes to keep up. In terms of their design strategies, they must embrace modern approaches that respond to the changing needs of students and teachers. Including flexible, inclusive, and engaging spaces that seamlessly integrate technological advances, contemporary educational design aims to enhance learning and collaborative work, as well as comfort and wellbeing.
How To Build With Bamboo: 4 Basic Structural Systems
Contemporary bamboo buildings may initially appear overwhelming to the novice observer. Yet, as you learn more about the structural logic of these inspiring edifices, you'll quickly realize that most employ one or a blend of the structural systems we're about to explore. The mystery unravels, transforming what once seemed complex into a clear composition of simple concepts. This article shines a light on four commonly employed structural systems in bamboo construction:
How to Design Hidden Kitchens: Innovative Solutions for Space-Saving and Minimalist Aesthetics
While the kitchen is a ubiquitous part of almost every home—and, in many cases, is considered symbolic of domestic living entirely—it can also take up precious space, produce visual clutter, and detract from the minimalist aesthetic of an otherwise sleek, modern home. For some homeowners, the solution is simply to keep the kitchen clean and organized at all times. But for some innovative contemporary architects and their clients, the solution is to design a compact, concealable kitchen that can quickly and easily be shuttered out of view. Below, we discuss several examples of hidden kitchens, as well as some common techniques and strategies for designing them.
When Digital Technologies Enhance Craftsmanship: How to Build a Domed Pavilion with Augmented Reality
Can current design and manufacturing technologies be incorporated into vernacular and traditional construction techniques? On the IE University campus in Segovia, a group of researchers from IE University, Princeton University, and the University of Bergamo built an unreinforced masonry structure called innixAR that demonstrates how digital technologies can enhance craftsmanship. This pavilion explores the intersection between the latest augmented reality (AR) innovations and 4D funicular design to allow vault craftsmen to build masonry structures without the need for physical guides and costly temporary molds.
The Chthulucene Call to Architecture
Climate issues have been the main topic of discussions about the future of cities, but they are certainly not new. The warning about human irreversibility on the planet has been part of scientific discourse since the 1980s. Faced with increasingly frequent environmental urgencies, Donna Haraway, in her book Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, suggests a change in attitude on the part of humans to ensure not only partial environmental recovery but the species' survival.