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Protesters to Target Stirling Prize Ceremony Over Shortlisting of Rogers' NEO Bankside

A group known as Architects for Social Housing (ASH) is gaining attention after stating its intention to hold a protest at the RIBA Stirling Prize Award ceremony tomorrow evening. Their protest is directed at the shortlisting of NEO Bankside, the Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners-designed luxury apartment complex on London's south bank, which they say "has not only broken every planning requirement for social housing in Southwark, but in doing so has set a very dangerous precedent for the mechanics of social cleansing in London."

The Building Centre Presents "Rethinking the Urban Landscape"

Rethinking the Urban Landscape, a (free!) exhibition curated by The Building Centre and Landscape Institute, presents a case for a landscape-first approach to city design and regeneration. The show, which is on view at The Building Centre in London until end of February and then tours, focuses on six problematic areas - from environmental issues to financial planning - and shows international projects that, due to the early procurement of landscape architects, deliver unique solutions.

NEO Bankside / Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners

NEO Bankside / Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners - More Images+ 14

  • Architects: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners: Gillespies
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2012
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  IGP Powder Coatings