Re-Naturalization of Urban Waterways: The Case Study of Cheonggye Stream in Seoul, South Korea

Cheongye Stream, known as Cheonggyecheon (청계천) in Korean, runs eastward through the heart of Seoul, passing through 13 neighborhoods in four districts of the capital of South Korea. Throughout its history, the stream played different roles in the city until it was covered by an elevated highway in the 1970s. For over 30 years, this natural artery remained hidden. It was not until 2003 that the city government launched a restoration project to reintegrate this urban waterway into the city fabric, revitalize the local economy, and revive the area's history and culture. The revitalization efforts were led by Mikyoung Kim Design. Since the project's completion in 2005, it quickly became one of Seoul's most visited tourist attractions. Moreover, it has become a focal point for ample urban research, with many studies offering positive assessments of the impact it had on Seoul's urban, economic, and ecological context.

Revitalizing Urban Ecosystems: 4 Projects Reconnecting Cities with Their Water Heritage

Water architecture has always been important throughout human history. From the aqueducts in ancient Rome to the grand canals of Venice, water has not only sustained life but also played an important role in shaping the urban environment. It has facilitated trade, nourished agricultural lands, and provided a sense of place and identity to different communities. Despite water's historical role, during the 20th century, many cities chose to bury their waterways underground, primarily for safety and hygiene reasons, as these channels often served as open sewers.