The New Ghibli Park in Japan: Redefining Theme Parks Through Adaptive Reuse and Sustainability

Studio Ghibli and its co-founder Hayao Miyazaki have become household names in the West, thanks to their impressive body of work, which includes over 10 feature films, 2 Oscars, and more than 100 awards worldwide. Films such as "Spirited Away" and "Howl's Moving Castle" showcase their mastery of world-building, story telling and compelling visuals which have earned them global acclaim. This has created a devoted fan base that previously only had the Studio Ghibli Museum in Tokyo to experience the films in real life. As the studio's popularity and movie portfolio grew, it became inevitable for them to expand into a larger space. That is why November 2022 marked the beginning of a new phase as the Ghibli Park opened its gates in Nagoya, Japan.

Interfaith Spaces: Architectural Responses to Religious Diversity

In an increasingly diverse world, the emergence of multi-faith spaces represents a significant shift in architectural design, reflecting the evolving religious landscape of contemporary society. These spaces, which began to be formally established in the 1950s in public buildings like airports and hospitals, serve as microcosms of social transformation and peaceful coexistence. They allow various traditions to harmoniously share environments, embodying principles of inclusivity, flexibility, and adaptability.

Meanwhile Projects Activating Public Space: Lessons from Pop Brixton and Peckham Levels in London, United Kingdom

A "meanwhile space" refers to the temporary use of an otherwise vacant area—whether it’s an empty shop, a disused building, or a site awaiting redevelopment. The concept revolves around making productive use of these spaces during the interim period before a long-term purpose is established. Essentially, it’s about what happens in the meantime, turning unused spaces into vibrant, functional places during periods of uncertainty or transition.

Multifunctional Spaces: Integrating Home Environments With Countertops

Flexibility and open spaces are themes in contemporary house design. Multifunctional spaces and creative storage solutions are more than welcome when seeking easily adaptable environments to meet owners' constantly changing needs. To give you some fresh inspiration, we have selected ten projects that feature countertops that integrate different programs and serve more than one function in the home.

Under 30m²: Multifunctional Solutions in 13 Tiny Apartments

With residential developments offering ever-smaller housing units, the challenge for architects and interior designers to develop compact and multifunctional solutions for interior projects increases. From this perspective, it is increasingly common for professionals to focus on their clipboards in creating new solutions for joinery and multifunctional furniture that allow the space to transform completely in a few seconds, such as strategic cabinets and bookcases to supply the lack of storage space; sliding furniture on rails or pulleys; cabinets that turn into beds through vertical rotation; drawers in stairways, etc.