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The Importance of Modern Visualization Tools in Material Specification

In architecture, choosing the right construction materials is crucial to improve efficiency, ensure structural integrity and maximize performance, ultimately setting the standard for the finished product. But because any building – from its outer skin to its framing system – consists of many layers and parts, understanding how these fit and work can be just as important during design and manufacture. Technical specification of materials and constructive systems plays a key role in conveying this information, providing all of the necessary knowledge, properties and characteristics for any successful project. After all, the more you know about what lies between walls and behind finishes, the better your architecture will be.

Meet the Winners of the 2022 ArchDaily Visualization Award

After 3 weeks of voting, the results are finally in. The ArchDaily Architectural Visualization Award has just selected the winners of its second edition. Out of visualizations submitted from all over the world, 8 winning images were chosen, two for each of the following categories: Exterior, Interior, Conceptual and Real-Time Rendering

Meet the 40 Finalists Selected by the Jury of the ArchDaily Architectural Visualization Award

The first stage of the Architectural Visualization Award has come to an end. 40 finalists, 10 from each category: Exterior, Interior, Conceptual and Real-Time Rendering were selected by the official ArchDaily jury.

Last Days to Vote for The ArchDaily Architectural Visualization Award Finalists

Architectural visualizations have reached unthinkable levels, being a great source of inspiration and a fundamental part of the design process in architecture. This is why we are proud to announce the second edition of the ArchDaily Architecture Visualization Awards, where we will award the best of the year.

From Lina Bo Bardi to Renzo Piano: When Drawing Translates the Experience of Space

If today technologies are emerging for different forms of representation and interaction with drawing, understanding how architects communicate through hand-drawn strokes can be essential to delve into the topic of architectural visualization. Through the simplicity of gestures, small texts or a collage of references, it is possible to translate ideas in an innovative way, unlike the ways that a render can present. For this reason, we highlight here the work of great names such as Lina Bo Bardi, Renzo Piano, Pezo von Ellrichshausen and Mikkel Frost, who, using different techniques, reveal different ways of representing a project.

The ArchDaily Architectural Visualization Awards are now Open for Public Voting

Architectural visualizations have reached unthinkable levels, being a great source of inspiration and a fundamental part of the design process in architecture. This is why we are proud to announce the second edition of the ArchDaily Architecture Visualization Awards, where we will award the best of the year.

Towards a Virtual Architecture: The Winter House by Andrés Reisinger and Alba de la Fuente

The digitisation of architecture and design projects has been going on for some time now and has increased even more, largely due to the global pandemic. To hear talk of the metaverse, the NFT or the digital twins seems to be commonplace at this time, when the digital economy is booming and where architects and designers who seek to move from the physical world to the virtual world are beginning to proliferate. But will virtuality be the future of architectural visualisation?

Deadline Extended: The ArchDaily Architectural Visualization Awards

Until this Tuesday, May 3rd at 23:59 EST you can submit your work for the second edition of the ArchDaily Architectural Visualization Awards. For us, visualizations have become a powerful tool that has helped us to think without limits about the design of our future cities, buildings, and structures. This is one of the reasons why we decided to launch this competition: to find the best talent from around the world and discover who is setting trends with their work and aesthetics, helping us to visualize the future of architecture.

Transformation Generated by the Intersection of Virtual and Reality

As Antoine Picon describes in Architecture and the Virtual Towards a new Materiality? : "An architectural project is indeed a virtual object. It is all the more virtual that it anticipates not a single built realization but an entire range of them. …Whereas the architect used to manipulate static forms, he can now play with geometric flows. Surface and volumes topological deformations acquire a kind of evidence that traditional means of representation did not allow.”

The Power of Data: Exploring Architectural Language through the Use of Artificial Intelligence

The Power of Data is an exhibition created in a virtual building, conceived by three-dimensional geometries based on various artificial intelligence algorithms. The project was created by the OLA (Online Lab of Architecture) team of research architects formed by Jennifer Durand (Peru), Daniel Escobar (Colombia), Claudia Garcia (Spain), Giovanna Pillaca (Peru) and Jose Luis Vintimilla (Ecuador).

The Architecture and Environmental Design of Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies

Storytelling is undoubtedly one of the oldest informative tools; a universal language that has transcended generations and cultures, and has been adapted into different media such as video games, theater, and film. Regardless of how old the narratives are, the success of these adaptations relies heavily on production - the visual and audible elements - and their ability to allow viewers to fully immerse themselves in the storyline. In this article, we explore the magical and captivating world of Marvel Cinematic Universe, and how architecture played an important role in contributing to the movies’ notorious storylines. 

Last Days to Submit Your Work to the Architectural Visualization Awards

Until this Friday, April 29th at 23:59 EST you can submit your work for the second edition of the ArchDaily Architectural Visualization Awards. For us, visualizations have become a powerful tool that has helped us to think without limits about the design of our future cities, buildings, and structures. This is one of the reasons why we decided to launch this competition: to find the best talent from around the world and discover who is setting trends with their work and aesthetics, helping us to visualize the future of architecture.

"Visualizations Always Start with the Story": An Interview with Visual Artist Ceren Arslan

Beyond hyper-realistic renders and accurate depictions of what projects look like once completed, visualizations have become tools to communicate atmospheres and emotions portrayed by architects. The use of mixed media, combined with architectural compositions, art, lighting, and oftentimes music, have generated a new genre of architectural storytelling, one that combines reality with imagination. And as the world immerses in NFT's and experimenting with cutting-edge technologies to create digital environments, visualizations might soon become "the new reality". 

The Future of Visualization May Be The Past

We deal with buildings every day. We sleep in them, work in them, live our lives using their accommodation. But like a song or a painting, a person usually helps create them, with those who use and build them, then the world receives that work. But before they are built, buildings are just ideas.