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TDC Office


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Expertise:Building Services

Experience:Apartments, Residential

Activity areas:Iran

Verified ArchDaily Professional

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About us

Who we are:

What differentiates us is the answers we give to the world around us, and a humble view, yet critical is easily traced in our works. Such view can be observed in numerous projects where unique solutions are rendered compared to typical methods of design and construction. Respect for human being and habitat, and a constant search for finding appropriate ideas, are based on the fact that creating a world full of unique recommendations can alter people’s deduction towards possible phenomena. For us, Architecture is a dynamic phenomenon. We look at it as part of the city so that it can create memories. Dynamic presence of human in the city and home, as well as the flow of life in them are the most invaluable part of creating a space which insinuate that architecture is the way to embrace the world.

  • (3) Projects by TDC Office



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