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155.2 kProject views

Stellen Consulting

Water and civil engineering consultancy

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Suite 103, 27 Belgrave Street Manly NSW 2095, Sydney, New South Wales

Expertise:Engineering & Consulting

Experience:Healthcare Center

Activity areas:Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Somalia, Swaziland, Malaysia, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia

Verified ArchDaily Professional

Data based on curated projects on our site
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About us

Who we are:

We're for architects and developers who care enough to want to build a different kind of city. Who know that more of the same will not get 3 billion more people the homes, workplaces and lives they deserve. Doing something different in architecture and property development is hard. It’s a conservative world. Inertia, fear of change and the status quo are holding us back. In a connected economy where everyone has access to the same information, 20th Century regulat...Read more

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