Eckersley Garden Architecture
Landscape Designer
Expertise:Landscape Architecture
Experience:Houses, Houses Interiors, Extension, Residential, Renovation, Apartments, Residential Architecture, Office Buildings, Commercial Architecture
Activity areas:Australia
Verified ArchDaily Professional
Data based on curated projects on our siteAbout us
Who we are:
Established by iconic designer Rick Eckersley, with partners Scott Leung and Myles Broad, Eckersley Garden Architecture understands how space and facility work together. We design for lifestyle and amenity, believing both form and function should be considered and neither compromised. With a horticultural focus, we create relaxed and tactile gardens that invite our clients to enjoy their outdoor space. You won’t find rows of box hedge here – just plenty of dirt under our fingernails. We’re driven to work collaboratively with our clients, architects and contractors, turning a brief into a carefully considered garden that will evolve for years to come.
Our skills:
- Client Briefing
- Schematic Design
- Cost Estimate
- Design Development
- Planning Permit Plans
- Tendering
(23) Projects by Eckersley Garden Architecture
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