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446.7 kProject views

Ab Rogers Design

Architecture and Design Studio

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United Kingdom

Ab Rogers Design Lime Wharf, Vyner Street London E2 9DJ, London, England

Expertise:Interior Design


Activity areas:United Kingdom, Australia

Verified ArchDaily Professional

Data based on curated projects on our site
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About us

Who we are:

Ab Rogers Design (ARD) is a studio that believes in design and architecture that inspires and animates the user through colour, movement and touch; in active environments that are as entertaining and poetic as they are pragmatic and functional. With offices in London and Melbourne, the practice works internationally across the cultural, hospitality, residential and commercial sectors. Working with a diverse range of clients, contracts, budgets and timelines has in...Read more

Our skills:

  • Cultural
  • Hospitality
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • (1) Projects by Ab Rogers Design

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