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Simon Menges


Mies van der Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie Reopens with an Alexander Calder Exhibition

After being closed for six and a half years for a renovation by David Chipperfield Architects, the Berlin museum reopened Sunday, August 22.

Open Air: New Ways We Can Live Together in Nature

“We need a new spatial contract." This is the call of Hashim Sarkis, curator of the Venice Biennale 2021, as an invitation for architects to imagine new spaces in which we can live together. Between a move towards urban flight and global housing crises, the growth of more low-rise, dense developments may provide an answer in the countryside. Turning away from single family homes in rural areas and suburbs, modern housing projects are exploring new models of shared living in nature.

Open Air: New Ways We Can Live Together in Nature - More Images+ 8

Remise Immanuelkirchstrasse Workspace / JWA Berlin + Ralf Wilkening Architect

Remise Immanuelkirchstrasse Workspace / JWA Berlin + Ralf Wilkening Architect - More Images+ 15

The Bryant Tower / David Chipperfield Architects

The Bryant Tower / David Chipperfield Architects - More Images+ 8

Neue Nationalgalerie / David Chipperfield Architects

Neue Nationalgalerie / David Chipperfield Architects - More Images+ 32

ArchDaily’s Readers Select Who Should Win the 2021 Pritzker Prize

Since the winner(s) of the Pritzker Prize 2021 will be announced on Tuesday, March 16th, we have asked our readers who should win the most important award in the field of architecture.

Why Are Countries Building Their Cities From Scratch?

Imagine having a blank canvas on which to master-plan a brand new city; drawing its roads, homes, commerces, and public spaces on a fresh slate and crafting its unique urban identity. Every urban planner has fantasized about designing a city from scratch and luckily for some, this dream is morphing into concrete opportunities. 

Over the last two decades, new, master-planned cities have emerged from the ground up at an unprecedented scale, the majority of which have been created in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, with currently over 150 new cities in the making. This new type of urban development has shown to be particularly seductive in emerging markets, where they are sold as key parts of the strategy to leapfrog from agriculture and resource-based systems to knowledge economies by attracting foreign capital and boosting economic growth.

Why Are Countries Building Their Cities From Scratch? - More Images+ 7

Thulestrasse 62 Apartments / Zanderroth Architekten

Thulestrasse 62 Apartments / Zanderroth Architekten - More Images+ 23

One Vanderbilt / KPF

One Vanderbilt / KPF - More Images+ 38

Jacoby Studios Headquarters / David Chipperfield Architects

Jacoby Studios Headquarters  / David Chipperfield Architects - More Images+ 13

harlan + holden store / David Chipperfield Architects

harlan + holden store / David Chipperfield Architects - More Images+ 3

Residential Complex Schmollerplatz / Zanderroth Architekten

Residential Complex Schmollerplatz / Zanderroth Architekten - More Images+ 15

Carmen Würth Forum / David Chipperfield Architects

Carmen Würth Forum / David Chipperfield Architects - More Images+ 14

The Scalpel / KPF

The Scalpel / KPF - More Images+ 17

  • Architects: KPF
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  59400
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020

Tanzhaus Zürich Cultural Center / Estudio Barozzi Veiga

Tanzhaus Zürich Cultural Center / Estudio Barozzi Veiga - More Images+ 25

  • Architects: Estudio Barozzi Veiga
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1500
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Geberit, Sika, Armatron Sanitary, Arotec, BAUR, +22

KPF Unveils High Performance and Resilient Tower in Boston

KPF and the Chiofaro Company have released images of their latest project The Pinnacle at Central Wharf, a high performance and resilient mixed-use development on the Boston Harbor waterfront. Aiming to reconnect Downtown Boston to the waterfront, the project also puts in place a new public space.

KPF Unveils High Performance and Resilient Tower in Boston  - More Images+ 5