Rob Parrish


RIBA Announces 2022 London Awards Winners

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has announced the winning projects for the 2022 RIBA London architecture awards. The list of 42 buildings includes projects ranging from a sustainable council housing development to a cookery school for children, showcasing the best architectural interventions in London over the past two years. The projects were selected by a regional jury, who visited all 66 shortlisted projects. RIBA London Award winners will now be considered for a highly-coveted RIBA National Award in recognition of their architectural excellence, which will be announced in June.

RIBA Announces 2022 London Awards Winners - More Images+ 38

National Memorial Arboretum’s Remembrance Centre / Glenn Howells Architects

National Memorial Arboretum’s Remembrance Centre / Glenn Howells Architects - More Images+ 11

The Bower / Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

The Bower  / Allford Hall Monaghan Morris - More Images+ 22

Burntwood School / Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

Burntwood School / Allford Hall Monaghan Morris - More Images+ 27

White Collar Factory / Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

White Collar Factory  / Allford Hall Monaghan Morris - More Images+ 56

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  237000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Effisus, Viccarbe, Around, HAY, Huna, +13
  • Professionals: Arup, BRCS, AECOM, Multiplex

6 Projects Win 2017 RIBA West Midlands Awards

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has announced the first wave of their 2017 RIBA Regional Awards, beginning with the West Midlands region. Six projects were selected as winners from the region, which includes the city of Birmingham and its surrounding area.

“This year's winning projects prove that a good architecture should allow its user a space and time to absorb and to reflect,” commented Regional Jury Chair, Natalia Maximova. “The selected designs frame our experience of the buildings and spaces rather than dictate it. They highlight the fact that there is no true architecture without a clear vision and a strong concept. Originality remains a highly valued commodity and a source of inspiration for others and therefore should be recognised.

6 Projects Win 2017 RIBA West Midlands Awards - More Images+ 24

Critical Round-Up: AHMM's Stirling Prize Success

Another year, another RIBA Stirling Prize winner that seemingly nobody expected. In spite of being the unanimous favorite of the RIBA's Stirling Prize jury, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM)'s Burntwood School won out over the BBC people's choice, MUMA's Whitworth Gallery and ArchDaily readers' own favorite, Heneghan Peng Architects' Greenwich University (although AHMM came in second place with 21% of the vote), as well as Reiach and Hall's Maggie's Lanarkshire, Níall McLaughlin's Darbishire Place, and RSH+P's NEO Bankside.

But despite the apparent surprise, was AHMM's Burntwood School a suitable winner of British architecture's highest award? Read on to find out what the critics thought.

AHMM's Burntwood School Wins the 2015 Stirling Prize

Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM) has won the top prize in British architecture, the RIBA Stirling Prize for their Burntwood School. Beating out competition from Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSH+P), Niall McLaughlin Architects, Heneghan Peng Architects, McInnes Usher McKnight Architects (MUMA) and Reiach and Hall Architects. Announced by RIBA president Jane Duncan, the selection was reported to have been a unanimous decision among the judges, with the school described as "a grown-up building to inspire grown-up behavior."

AHMM's Burntwood School Wins the 2015 Stirling Prize - More Images+ 10

10 New Burlington Street / Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

10 New Burlington Street / Allford Hall Monaghan Morris - More Images+ 15

See All 38 Winners of the 2015 RIBA London Awards

From a shortlist of 68 buildings, 38 London projects have been awarded the 2015 RIBA London Awards for architectural excellence, the city's most prestigious design honor. The awards highlight projects that embody exceptional merit in their designs and positively impact the lives of their occupants. This year's winners include three arts and leisure buildings, 11 educational and community facilities, 16 residential designs, and eight commercial buildings.

All of these designs will be further considered for the RIBA National Awards, to be announced in June.

See All 38 Winners of the 2015 RIBA London Awards - More Images+ 35

Shortlist Announced For 2015 RIBA London Awards

A total of 68 buildings have been shortlisted for RIBA London 2015 Awards, featuring buildings by AHMM, dRMM, John McAslan + Partners and Grimshaw, to Níall McLaughlin Architects, Eric Parry Architects, and Rogers Stirk Harbour. Winning projects from last year included three Stirling Prize shortlisted projects, as well as another by Haworth Tompkins who ultimately took the prize in 2014 for the Everyman Theatre in Liverpool. All shortlisted buildings will now be assessed by a regional jury. Regional winners will then be considered for a RIBA National Award in recognition of their architectural excellence, the results of which will place some projects in the running for the 2015 RIBA Stirling Prize.

See the complete list of shortlisted projects after the break.

Shortlist Announced For 2015 RIBA London Awards - More Images+ 64