Planetariums are designed for discovery and exploration. Created around immersive experiences, these projects draw our imaginations to new worlds. As theaters for education and entertainment, they also bring people together. Today, architects and designers are reimagining what the modem planetarium can be, and in turn, are inspiring new investigations into the universe and the vast ocean above us.
Rafael Gamo
Izar Houses / Taller ADG Alonso de Garay + MDB Micaela de Bernardí
Architects: MDB Micaela de Bernardí, Taller ADG Alonso de Garay
- Area: 6570 m²
- Year: 2020
Storefront Library / Abruzzo Bodziak Architects
Architects: Abruzzo Bodziak Architects
- Area: 1095 ft²
- Year: 2018
Manufacturers: Jesco
Professionals: Pentagram, Asa Pingree
Valle San Nicolás Club House / Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos
Architects: Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos
- Area: 1800 m²
- Year: 2021
Swiss Residence in Mexico City / Fruehauf, Henry & Viladoms + BlancasMoran
Architects: BLANCASMORAN, Fruehauf, Henry & Viladoms
- Area: 785 m²
- Year: 2021
Palm and Straw Roofs: Examples in Mexico That Explore Their Possibilities
Architecture in Mexico has a vast history that is made up of various aspects that touch astrological, political, spiritual and economic issues. Although today there are only ruins of some of the most important pre-Hispanic complexes, thanks to the in-depth research that has been carried out, we can have some representations of what those buildings that laid the foundations of what makes us today were like. In these representations, it is possible to notice the presence of natural materials that were a response to their environment such as basalt stone, stucco and some vegetable paintings whose remains persist to this day.
Helipad / André-Jacques Bodin, Héctor Coss Arquitectos, Tomas Janka, Undecorated
Architects: André-Jacques Bodin, Héctor Coss Arquitectos, Tomas Janka, Undecorated
- Area: 2800 ft²
- Year: 2016
Professionals: INPROS & EHE Constructores
House in Amatepec / Manuel Cervantes Estudio
Architects: Manuel Cervantes Estudio
- Year: 2020
Monte Tauro Residence / PPAA
Meet the Winners of the 2020 AR Emerging Architecture Awards
Carles Enrich Studio has been announced as the winner of the 2020 AR Emerging Architecture awards. Selected from a shortlist of 16 practices, the jury recognized the work of the Barcelona-based practice as one that "reconnects history with the future and understands heritage as infrastructure: something dynamic and appropriated rather than museumified". Khadka + Eriksson Furunes was also awarded with the Peter Davey Prize, and Taller Capital has received an honorable mention.
Matamoros Market / Colectivo C733
Architects: Colectivo C733
- Area: 2868 m²
- Year: 2020
Refurbishment, Adaptive Reuse and Extension of Apartments in Mexico
It has become evident that the spaces we inhabit have changed. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to appreciate values as lighting, ventilation, and comfort when working in home.
Perrotin Gallery / PRO-Peterson Rich Office
Architects: PRO-Peterson Rich Office
- Area: 34000 ft²
- Year: 2019
Architecture in Mexico: Projects that Highlight the Estado de Mexico Territory
There are several reasons why the Estado de Mexico (a state, not the country) is important not only at the national level but also because of its intrinsic relationship with Mexico City since 59 of its municipalities are considered part of the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico. In this area, there are a large number of industrial plants. In addition, it houses some of the most visited archaeological sites such as Teotihuacán, Tetzuco, Azcapotzalco, Chalco, and Amaquemecan.
El Humedal / TAAR / Taller de Arquitectura de Alto Rendimiento
Architecture in Mexico: Projects that Highlight the Coast of Guerrero
Guerrero is a state in the southwest corner of Mexico that shares land borders with the State of Mexico, Morelos, Puebla, Oaxaca, and Michoacán and a coastline with the Pacific Ocean. With over 64,281 km² of territory, it is the twelfth most populated state in Mexico. It's capital city is Chilpancingo de Juárez and it's most populated city is Acapulco de Juárez.
Architecture in Mexico: Projects that Highlight the Morelos Territory
Morelos is a state nestled in the south-central region of Mexico, surrounded by the states of Puebla, Guerrero, Estado de México, and Mexico City. With just over 4,893 km² of territory, it's Mexico's second smallest state. It's capital and largest city is Cuernavaca.