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Brick in Latin American Architecture: Hospitals and Health Centers

The focus of buildings should ultimately be the well-being of the people using them. When we think of our experiences in hospitals, clinics, the dentist's office, and other medical facilities, the feeling is rarely pleasant. Perhaps it's the smells, the dull, monotone colors, or the sound of medical gadgets working away on some unlucky patient. 

Carol Urzua / Lira Arquitectos Asociados

Carol Urzua / Lira Arquitectos Asociados - More Images+ 23

Resiter Office Building / Raimundo Lira Arquitectos

Resiter Office Building / Raimundo Lira Arquitectos - More Images+ 36

Molymet Corporate Building / David Rodriguez Arquitectos

Molymet Corporate Building / David Rodriguez Arquitectos - More Images+ 25

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  4200
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2012
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  KOLFF