Paul Mullins


From STEM To STEAM: The Value of Art

In a recent article for the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, Barney Mansavage champions the idea of transforming STEM into STEAM (Science, Technology, ART, and Mathematics). He argues that overlapping science and art helps launch cross-disciplinary conversations and relationships, and in turn, promote experimentation; he thus suggests that educational spaces be designed to bring these fields together. Check out the article here, and more about the TED talk that inspired it, here.

Edison High School Academic Building / Darden Architects

Edison High School Academic Building / Darden Architects - Higher Education, Facade, Door, LightingEdison High School Academic Building / Darden Architects - Higher Education, FacadeEdison High School Academic Building / Darden Architects - Higher Education, Stairs, Facade, Handrail, Beam, FenceEdison High School Academic Building / Darden Architects - Higher Education, Door, Handrail, Facade, ChairEdison High School Academic Building / Darden Architects - More Images+ 5