Nico Saieh

Architectural Photographer based in Santiago, Chile


Red House / Panorama Arquitectos + dRN Arquitectos

Red House / Panorama Arquitectos + dRN Arquitectos - More Images+ 18

Cachagua, Chile
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  245
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2011
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  AB Kupfer, Cerámica Santiago, KBE, Luxaflex, Melón Hormigones

The Beauty of Exposed Wooden Trusses

The Beauty of Exposed Wooden Trusses - More Images+ 23

Timber trusses are wooden structural frameworks used to support roofs or other heavy structures. Fabricated from a series of triangles linked by a ridge beam and purlins, wooden trusses are structurally advantageous due to their high strength-to-weight ratios and corresponding ability to support long spans. However, these structural components can also be used for aesthetic ends, and when left exposed, can complexify, beautify, and open an interior space.

Houses with Side Patios: Bountiful Natural Light and Ventilation

Houses with Side Patios: Bountiful Natural Light and Ventilation - More Images+ 16

Patios and gardens play a crucial role in a project's planning and layout. In some instances, they serve as organizing elements while in others, they improve the quality of life in a space by providing light, ventilation, and a connection to the outdoors while maintaining the privacy of the inhabitants. 

Refugia Hotel / Mobil Arquitectos

Refugia Hotel / Mobil Arquitectos - More Images+ 31

Dalcahue, Chile

Brick in Latin American Architecture: Hospitals and Health Centers

The focus of buildings should ultimately be the well-being of the people using them. When we think of our experiences in hospitals, clinics, the dentist's office, and other medical facilities, the feeling is rarely pleasant. Perhaps it's the smells, the dull, monotone colors, or the sound of medical gadgets working away on some unlucky patient. 

Improving the Educational Environment with the Reggio Emilia Approach

Improving the Educational Environment with the Reggio Emilia Approach - More Images+ 43

The Reggio Emilia Approach was created in the post-WWII period at the initiative of widowed mothers and under the coordination of journalist and educator Loris Malaguzzi. In a time of postwar urban reconstruction, the group's primary concern was the formation of new schools, where they wanted to create a peaceful, welcoming, and cheerful environment, with a domestic atmosphere where children could stay while their mothers worked. Understanding the children's interests and providing a suitable environment for exploration and experimentation is one of the focal points of this pedagogy. The creation of a safe and stimulating environment is so fundamental that, in much literature, it appears as a third teacher.

El Arrayan House / Oficina Bravo

El Arrayan House / Oficina Bravo - More Images+ 10

Lo Barnechea, Chile
  • Architects: Oficina Bravo
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  190
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Eco Pinturas, Timbercret

Spotlight: Toyo Ito

As one of the leading architects of Japan's increasingly highly-regarded architecture culture, 2013 Pritzker Laureate Toyo Ito (born June 1, 1941) has defined his career by combining elements of minimalism with an embrace of technology, in a way that merges both traditional and contemporary elements of Japanese culture.

Spotlight: Toyo Ito - More Images+ 11

PI House / Benjamin Goñi Arquitectos + Claro + Westendarp Arquitectos

PI House / Benjamin Goñi Arquitectos + Claro + Westendarp Arquitectos - More Images+ 13

Huentaleuquen, Chile

Casa Los Algarrobos / MasFernandez Arquitectos + Claudio Tapia

Casa Los Algarrobos / MasFernandez Arquitectos + Claudio Tapia - More Images+ 24

Colina, Chile

Origami House / Mas Fernandez Arquitectos + OR Arquitectos

Origami House / Mas Fernandez Arquitectos + OR Arquitectos - More Images+ 17

Zapallar, Chile

6 Eye-Catching Corten Steel Construction Details

The characteristics of Corten steel has been respected by all architects, both for its strength and for its particular color. It corresponds to a type of steel manufactured with a chemical composition that provides an oxidation that protects the piece, practically without altering its mechanical characteristics. The architectural details of Corten steel present a diversity of situations and connections, not only the obvious constructive factor but it also gives an aesthetic value to any architectural project.

We have compiled this list of 6 eye-catching Corten steel construction details that stand out the most.

Temporary Plazas: 13 Public Spaces that Activate the City

Temporary Plazas: 13 Public Spaces that Activate the City - More Images+ 9

Normally the efforts of the construction industry are aimed to design permanent and durable spaces. However, on some occasions creating temporary spaces can be of great help, not only when providing fast assembly infrastructure after the effects of a natural disaster, but also when activating residual or abandoned spaces in our cities. To exemplify the potential of these interventions, we present thirteen successful temporary public spaces.

Spotlight: Eduardo Souto de Moura

Eduardo Souto de Moura (born 25 July 1952), the Portuguese architect that won the 2011 Pritzker Prize, is known for designs that are formally simple yet serious and at times, dramatic, created through his thoughtful use of colors and materials. His architecture is both versatile and consistent, contextual yet universal, and rarely affected by current trends or styles.

Spotlight: Eduardo Souto de Moura - More Images+ 16

Bridge House / Aranguiz-Bunster Arquitectos

Bridge House / Aranguiz-Bunster Arquitectos - More Images+ 32

Puerto Varas, Chile
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2010
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Onduline

Hats House / SAA arquitectura + territorio

Hats House / SAA arquitectura + territorio - More Images+ 23

Puerto Río Tranquilo, Chile
  • Architects: SAA arquitectura + territorio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  230
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  GHP Chile, Maderas Petermann, Titan Panel

San Francisco Chapel / PARALELA

San Francisco Chapel / PARALELA - More Images+ 18

Melipilla, Chile
  • Architects: PARALELA
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  95
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Cintac®, DVP, Femoglas, Instapanel, Louisiana Pacific