Take a second to imagine a building or a room. Chances are you are envisioning flat rectangular surfaces and straight lines. Whether it be walls, beams or windows, most architectural elements come in standard and extremely practical orthogonal shapes. However, the pandemic has shed light on designs that are not only functional, but also that improve our mood and well-being. In that sense, the power of curved, free-flowing surfaces is unmatched, which explains why they have been making a comeback as a modern design trend. Adopting beautiful nature-inspired shapes, organic curls and bends energize rooms and make users feel good. In fact, neuroscientists have shown that this affection is hard-wired into the brain; in a 2013 study, they found that participants were most likely to consider a space beautiful if it was curvilinear instead of rectilinear. In short, humans love curves.
The Comeback of Curved Design: Materials That Can Bend and Curl
https://www.archdaily.com/977895/the-comeback-of-curved-design-materials-that-can-bend-and-curlValeria Montjoy
Minimum Dimensions and Typical Layouts for Small Bathrooms
Having access to a bathroom is, above all, a factor of dignity. As basic as this fact may seem, the WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that 2 billion people worldwide do not have access to basic sanitation facilities, such as bathrooms or latrines. Such inadequate sanitation causes 432,000 deaths annually, mainly from diarrhea, in addition to being an aggravating factor for several neglected tropical diseases including intestinal worms, schistosomiasis, and trachoma. In 2010, the UN (United Nations) labeled sanitation a basic right, alongside access to drinking water.
https://www.archdaily.com/942284/minimum-dimensions-and-typical-layouts-for-small-bathroomsEduardo Souza
Duplex Curve / Mandarina Arquitetura
Architects: Mandarina Arquitetura
- Area: 110 m²
- Year: 2018
https://www.archdaily.com/932384/duplex-curve-mandarina-arquiteturaPilar Caballero
Tribo São Judas Building / Onze arquitetura
Architects: Onze arquitetura
- Area: 3126 m²
- Year: 2017
Manufacturers: Eliane Revestimentos Cerâmicos, Neorex, Solarium Revestimentos Cimentícios, StoBrasil Revestimentos
Professionals: E2 Engenharia e Empreendimentos, Disco Design
https://www.archdaily.com/879488/tribo-sao-judas-building-onze-arquiteturaRayen Sagredo