Michael Moran


Pennovation Center / HWKN + KSS Architects

Pennovation Center / HWKN + KSS Architects - More Images+ 16

Undermountain / O’Neill Rose Architects

 Undermountain / O’Neill Rose Architects - More Images+ 17

Sheffield, United States
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  3000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Atas International, Bertazzoni, CB2, Carl Hansen, Conran shop, +6

Boston Road / Alexander Gorlin Architects

Boston Road / Alexander Gorlin Architects - More Images+ 17

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  90000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2015
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Endicott, Allied Metals, Halo Floors, Asento

7 Projects Announced as Winners of AIA National Healthcare Design Awards

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has selected seven recipients of the 2016 AIA National Healthcare Design Awards, given to the year’s best projects in healthcare building design and healthcare design-oriented research. Projects were selected for displaying “conceptual strengths that solve aesthetic, civic, urban, and social concerns as well as the requisite functional and sustainability concerns of a hospital.”

The award is given in four categories: Category A: Built, Less than $25 million in construction cost; Category B: Built, More than $25 million in construction cost; Category C: Unbuilt, Must be commissioned for compensation by a client with the authority and intention to build (No projects were selected in this category this year); and Category D: Innovations in Planning and Design Research, Built and Unbuilt.

Read on for the list of winners.

Interview with Toshiko Mori: “Rather Than Working With Forms, We Work With Forces”

As a Japanese immigrant who has spent much of her life in the United States, the architecture of Toshiko Mori occupies an interesting space: on one hand, the material and tectonic culture of Japan is, as she puts it, her “DNA.” On the other hand, her work clearly draws inspiration from the Modernists of 20th century America, and most notably from Mies van der Rohe. In this interview from his “City of Ideas” series, Vladimir Belogolovsky speaks with Mori (his former architecture professor) about materials, details, and the inspiration behind her work.

Interview with Toshiko Mori: “Rather Than Working With Forms, We Work With Forces” - More Images+ 52

Asia Society Hong Kong Center / Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects

Asia Society Hong Kong Center  / Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects - More Images+ 38

AIA Names 18 Projects as Best New Architecture in US

AIA Names 18 Projects as Best New Architecture in US - Featured Image
Henderson-Hopkins School / Rogers Partners. Image © Albert Vecerka ESTO

A boathouse by Studio Gang, the Smithsonian's BIG plan, and a new Baltimore school by Rogers Partners' are some of 18 projects selected for the 2016 American Institute of Architects (AIA) Honor Awards. The awarded projects were chosen from 500 submissions as the US' best new architecture, interiors and urban design projects. Each recipient will be honored at the AIA 2016 National Convention in Philadelphia.

The 2016 Institute Honor Awards for Architecture are...

AIA Names 18 Projects as Best New Architecture in US - More Images+ 14

Can Anyone Win in Architecture Criticism? An Appeal for a "New Sincerity"

In the mid-1980s, after literature had long been held hostage by postmodernist irony and cynicism, a new wave of authors called for an end to negativity, promoting a "new sincerity" for fiction. Gaining momentum into the 1990s, the movement reached a pinnacle in 1993 when, in his essay E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction, pop-culture seer David Foster Wallace, a proponent of this "new sincerity," made the following call to action: “The next real literary ‘rebels’ in this country might well emerge as some weird bunch of anti-rebels, born oglers who dare somehow to back away from ironic watching, who have the childish gall actually to endorse and instantiate single-entendre principles... These anti-rebels would be outdated, of course, before they even started. Dead on the page. Too sincere. Clearly repressed. Backward, quaint, naive, anachronistic. Maybe that’ll be the point. Maybe that’s why they’ll be the next real rebels. Real rebels, as far as I can see, risk disapproval. The old postmodern insurgents risked the gasp and squeal: shock, disgust, outrage, censorship, accusations of socialism, anarchism, nihilism. Today’s risks are different. The new rebels might be artists willing to risk the yawn, the rolled eyes, the cool smile, the nudged ribs, the parody of gifted ironists, the ‘Oh how banal.'"

Architecture, ever in debt to the styles and ideas of other art forms, could learn a thing or two now from the resuscitation of American fiction at the turn of the millennium. It too is enduring an identity crisis, mired by pessimism and uncertainty - a reality made painfully clear this past January when a New York Times Op-Ed by Steven Bingler and Martin C. Pedersen, How to Rebuild Architecture, divided camps and made the design world fume. In the editorial, the authors spoke vehemently of an architectural profession that has become mired by egos and been disconnected from public needs. Things quickly got ugly, critics wrestled with critics and subsequently the public got involved. What no one seemed to take into account is that this type of hounding is at the core of the problem. In its current landscape the discipline has struggled with its past, been deferential to its present, and wrestled with the uncertainty of its future. In a moment when we have become addicted to despondency, can anyone win?

Pierson’s Way / Bates Masi Architects

Pierson’s Way / Bates Masi Architects - More Images+ 10

East Hampton, United States
  • Architects: Bates Masi Architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  688
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Miele, Subzero/Wolf, Acor, Arcadia Custom, B-K Lighting, +23

The Dillon / Smith-Miller+Hawkinson Architects

The Dillon / Smith-Miller+Hawkinson Architects - More Images+ 13

2015 AIA Institute Honor Awards for Interior Architecture

Celebrating the most innovative spaces in the realm of interior design, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) has selected this year's recipients for the prestigious Institute Honor Awards for Interior Architecture. These eight projects will be recognized for their exceptional design at the AIA 2015 National Convention and Design Exposition in Atlanta.

Learn more about the winning designs after the break.

2015 AIA Institute Honor Awards for Interior Architecture - More Images+ 3

2015 AIA Institute Honor Awards for Architecture

Several projects have been selected to receive this year's Institute Honor Awards for Architecture, chosen by the American Institute of Architects (AIA). The award celebrates projects which exhibit design excellence in the field of architecture, and is one of the highest such awards in the industry. The recipients will be recognized for their work at the AIA 2015 National Convention and Design Exposition in Atlanta.

View the winners after the break.

2015 AIA Institute Honor Awards for Architecture - More Images+ 18

Northwest Corner Building / Moneo Brock Studio

Northwest Corner Building / Moneo Brock Studio - More Images+ 22

The Pritzker-Profit Connection: Shigeru Ban's Works Gaining Value in NYC

A recent article from The New York Times confirms something we've all long-suspected. A Pritzker translates into big bucks. Demand for Shigeru Ban's Manhattan buildings has soared since his awarding of the prize. The New York Times reports that page views of the Metal Shutter Houses, for example, have quadrupled on the listings site Streeteasy.com. Why? The Pritzker name carries weight:

A Selection of Shigeru Ban's Best Work

A Selection of Shigeru Ban's Best Work - Featured Image
Nine Bridges Golf Club. Image © Hiroyuki Hirai

Explore the architectural development of Pritzker Laureate Shigeru Ban - from his early, more minimalist residential work in the 90s to his experimental, undulating structures (2010's Pompidou Metz, Nine Bridges Golf Club) to his latest masterpiece in timber construction, Tamedia New Office Building (2013).

A Selection of Shigeru Ban's Best Work - More Images+ 23

Confirmed: American Folk Art Museum to Be Demolished

In a statement released last night, Glenn Lowry, the director of the MoMA, confirmed that the American Folk Art Museum, designed by Tod Williams and Billie Tsien Architects, will be demolished in order to make way for a re-design and expansion spearheaded by Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DS+R).

More information - and the critics' reactions - after the break.

Writing Studio / Andrew Berman Architect

Writing Studio / Andrew Berman Architect - Extension, Garden, Facade, Door
© Michael Moran

Writing Studio / Andrew Berman Architect - More Images+ 8

Abercrombie & Fitch Building U / MJ Sagan Architecture

Abercrombie & Fitch Building U / MJ Sagan Architecture - More Images+ 9

New Albany, United States