Martina Rubino


Community Centers for Displaced Populations

Community Centers for Displaced Populations  - More Images+ 11

Through the past few months, the importance of community interaction and mental well-being has been felt by all. Yet, the need for a support system and constant reassurance has been a recurrent issue for much longer for forcibly displaced populations. Adding to the current health fears these communities, estimated at nearly 70.8 million ( 25.9 refugees only) around the world, struggle with traumas, mental health issues and have much difficulty in adapting to temporary or permanent foreign settings.

Winners of the 2018 Building of the Year Awards

With nearly 100,000 votes cast during the last two weeks, we are happy to present the winners of the 2018 ArchDaily Building of the Year Awards. This peer-based, crowdsourced architecture award showcases projects chosen by ArchDaily readers who filtered thousands of projects down to the 15 best works featured on ArchDaily in 2017.

100 Classrooms for Refugee Children / Emergency Architecture & Human Rights

100 Classrooms for Refugee Children / Emergency Architecture & Human Rights - More Images+ 11

Zaatari Village, Jordan