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Maria Gonzalez


Major Lessons of Contemporary School Design: 37 Learning Spaces from Around the World

The role of a school is to prepare children for life. But with life-changing faster than ever, schools need to change just as quickly. Recent additions to school curriculums reflect the complexities of modern life, with environmental crises, societal injustices, and the dangers of social media now major parts of the syllabus.

Although it’s often said that long-term change begins at ground-level, change is never easy, wherever it starts. For example, a curriculum that responds to environmental issues is said to cause growing instances of eco-anxiety in children, one of a number of causes of another crisis, in children’s mental health.

Major Lessons of Contemporary School Design: 37 Learning Spaces from Around the World - More Images+ 33

ArchDaily’s Readers Select Who Should Win the 2022 Pritzker Prize

As part of our yearly tradition, we have asked our readers who should win the 2022 Pritzker Prize, the most important award in the field of architecture.

Amsterdam City Guide: 25 Places to See in the Capital of The Netherlands

Amsterdam is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Its origins lie in the 12th century when fishermen living along the banks of the River Amstel built a bridge across the waterway near the IJ, then a large saltwater inlet. Most of the city’s territory is below sea level and therefore it lies on land that has been reclaimed from the water.

Amsterdam is all about practical urban planning, amazing cycling infrastructure, tulip-lined canal bridges, and old merchant houses that tilt at impossible angles. I visited Amsterdam again last year and discovered some new places.

Amsterdam City Guide: 25 Places to See in the Capital of The Netherlands - Image 1 of 4Amsterdam City Guide: 25 Places to See in the Capital of The Netherlands - Image 2 of 4Amsterdam City Guide: 25 Places to See in the Capital of The Netherlands - Image 3 of 4Amsterdam City Guide: 25 Places to See in the Capital of The Netherlands - Image 4 of 4Amsterdam City Guide: 25 Places to See in the Capital of The Netherlands - More Images+ 44

Architecture Classics: Unidad Vecinal Providencia / Carlos Barella Iriarte + Isaac Eskenazi Tchimino

Architecture Classics: Unidad Vecinal Providencia / Carlos Barella Iriarte + Isaac Eskenazi Tchimino - Image 9 of 5
© María González

The Unidad Vecinal Providencia (Providencia Neighborhood Unit) is one of the many residential complexes generated in Chile as a result of a housing and urban development public policy promoted through the CORVI (Housing Corporation) between 1953 and 1973.

Commissioned by the Caja de Empleados Particulares (Private Employees Fund) to be built on a site where previously the National Children's House was based, the Unidad Vecinal Providencia was designed as a complex capable of becoming an urban piece, promoting spatial integration and social cohesion in Santiago.

Architecture Classics: Unidad Vecinal Providencia / Carlos Barella Iriarte + Isaac Eskenazi Tchimino - More Images+ 8

The Silo / Cobe

The Silo / Cobe - More Images+ 32

  • Architects: Cobe
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  10000
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  &Tradition, Anker & Co, Ideal Work, Randi, Skandinaviska Glassystem, +1

Saint George's College Classrooms, Courtyards and Corridors Renovations / Elton&Deves

Saint George's College Classrooms, Courtyards and Corridors Renovations / Elton&Deves - More Images+ 44

Vitacura, Chile

Palacio Pereira / Cecilia Puga + Paula Velasco + Alberto Moletto

Palacio Pereira / Cecilia Puga + Paula Velasco + Alberto Moletto - Interior Photography, Restoration
© Maria Gonzalez

Palacio Pereira / Cecilia Puga + Paula Velasco + Alberto Moletto - More Images+ 24

Our Readers Decide Who Should Win the Pritzker Prize 2020

Since the winner(s) of the Pritzker Prize 2020 will be announced this Tuesday, March 3, we have asked our readers who should win the most important award in the field of architecture.

What Exactly is a Polycarbonate Translucent Facade?

Translucent facades are light glazing panels used on the exterior of buildings, protecting the structure from weather damage, dampness, and erosion. Its composition of polycarbonate microcells creates a soft, naturally diffused light with a wide range of possible colors, brightnesses, and opacities.

By fixing these panels in place with concealed joints, it’s possible to hide unsightly building elements and assist in protecting users from harmful UV rays, while also ensuring maximum thermal conduction. Individuals who use them will notice a reduction in energy bills because they use the sun’s natural light to heat and illuminate buildings, creating very attractive indoor environmental conditions for different uses. 

What Exactly is a Polycarbonate Translucent Facade? - More Images+ 20

MZ Kitchen / QdL Arquitectos

MZ Kitchen / QdL Arquitectos - More Images+ 18

Las Condes, Chile
  • Architects: QdL Arquitectos
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  27
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Rothoblaas, Danpal, DVP, Timber

Women in Architecture Photography: 12 Names to Know

In many parts of the world, more women have architectural degrees than men. However, this fact hasn’t translated past university into the working world as women continue to be underrepresented across nearly all levels of practice.

The conversation regarding women in architecture gained tremendous traction back in 2013 with the petition for Denise Scott Brown to be recognized as the 1991 Pritzker Prize winner, alongside her husband and the consequent rejection of that request by Pritzker. The Architectural Review and Architect's Journal have, since 2015, jointly presented awards to the exceptional female practitioners as part of their Women in Architecture Awards program. The swelling of these movements have helped to promote not only the role but also the recognition of women in architecture.

Playground Prototype / AEscala

Playground Prototype / AEscala - More Images+ 10

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  38
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Ceresita, Sodimac

Puerto de Palos House / jfs arquitecto

Puerto de Palos House / jfs arquitecto - More Images+ 23

Las Condes, Chile
  • Architects: jfs arquitecto
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2475 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Alar, CHC, Readymix, The Wall, Volcan

Hussein Bin Talal Park / Strelka Architects + Strelka KB + Snøhetta

Hussein Bin Talal Park / Strelka Architects + Strelka KB + Snøhetta - More Images+ 30

Why Soviet Architecture Isn’t Russia's Answer

Since the end of World War II, Russia’s cities have grown in a Modern Soviet style.  This prolonged use and application of the principles of architecture’s modern movement heavily affected the country’s development and urban expansion. But now,  the new generations of architecture professionals are seeking to make a change.

Vezelka Embankment in Belgorod / Strelka KB + Strelka Architects

Vezelka Embankment in Belgorod / Strelka KB + Strelka Architects - More Images+ 19