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Koji Sakai


Memuro Town Hall / Atelier BNK + Sozo Sekkeisha

Memuro Town Hall / Atelier BNK + Sozo Sekkeisha - More Images+ 16

Makomanai Church, United Church of Christ in Japan / Atelier BNK

Makomanai Church, United Church of Christ in Japan / Atelier BNK - More Images+ 13

Sapporo, Japan

Schools of the Future: How Furniture Influences Learning

It is a student's right to be educated in a safe, healthy, and even aesthetically appealing environment, especially young students for whom these factors are even more important. For example, it has been shown that when the ergonomics of chairs are inadequate, they can greatly affect levels of concentration and the development of skills such as calligraphy. At the same time, the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods is increasingly being questioned and the quality of alternative methodologies increasingly being considered. In other articles, we discussed in more detail the design of Montessori schools and the atmosphere of Waldorf interiors.

Today, we will cover the importance of choosing furniture and address some aspects to consider when organizing them in classroom design for the schools of the future.

Schools of the Future: How Furniture Influences Learning - More Images+ 12

Numata Elementary School / Atelier BNK

Numata Elementary School / Atelier BNK - More Images+ 8

  • Architects: Atelier BNK
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  4123
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013

Split-Level Homes: 50 Floor Plan Examples

Faced with the challenge of designing homes on terrains with steep slopes - or in compact urban contexts that do not allow much variation in plan - several architects have experimented and proposed split-level homes to enhance the use of space, allowing, among other things, interesting visual perspectives.

These variations can be seen in numerous examples published on our site. Below, we have selected 50 examples that can help you in your next project. 

Systems to Incorporate Natural Lighting in Your Projects

There is nothing more rational than taking advantage of natural lighting as a guarantee to improve the spatial quality of buildings, as well as saving energy. The awareness of the finitude of natural resources and the demands for reducing energy consumption has increasingly diminished the prominence of artificial lighting systems, forcing architects to seek more efficient design solutions. With this goal in mind, different operations have been adopted to capture natural light.

These systems can also guarantee excellent spatial properties if projected correctly. Below we have gathered five essential systems for zenithal lighting.

Itoi Elementary School / Atelier BNK

Itoi Elementary School  / Atelier BNK - More Images+ 8

Shibetsu, Japan
  • Architects: Atelier BNK
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  3893
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2008

Toyotomi Community Center / Atelier BNK

Toyotomi Community Center / Atelier BNK - More Images+ 17

  • Architects: Atelier BNK
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2641
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013

Spiral House / Keikichi Yamauchi architects and associates

Spiral House / Keikichi Yamauchi architects and associates - More Images+ 17

Sapporo, Japan

Hakodate Jomon Culture Center / Atelier BNK

Hakodate Jomon Culture Center  / Atelier BNK - More Images+ 7

  • Architects: Atelier BNK
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1256
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2011

White Collage / Keikichi Yamauchi Architect and Associates

White Collage / Keikichi Yamauchi Architect and Associates - Houses, Facade
© Koji Sakai
Sapporo, Japan

White Collage / Keikichi Yamauchi Architect and Associates - More Images+ 26

White Colony / Keikichi Yamauchi Architect and Associates

White Colony / Keikichi Yamauchi Architect and Associates - More Images+ 13

House-K / Keikichi Yamauchi Architect and Associates

House-K / Keikichi Yamauchi Architect and Associates - More Images+ 15

Sapporo, Japan