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Kevin Siyuan


ST Engineering Jurong East Hub / Kyoob Architects

ST Engineering Jurong East Hub / Kyoob Architects - More Images+ 17

Wes Anderson-Inspired Short Film Highlights Singapore's Built Environment and Urban Planning

Architectural photographer and short filmmaker Kevin Siyuan released his latest architectural short film titled "A Wes Anderson-ish Singapore", a short motion picture that features buildings by world renowned architects built around the country. The 30-minute documentary was released as part of Singapore Archifest's virtual exhibition: Singapore Through My Eyes, and focuses on the urban planning, architecture, neighborhoods, parks, and green spaces, and how the people of Singapore have adapted to the pandemic.

Capturing the Beauty of Singapore’s Diverse Architecture

If you come to think of it, the urban development of the world's largest cities is like playing a game of Tetris; No matter how condensed or crowded, for architects, there is always room for more. However, this act of 'structural stacking' often creates unique architectural compositions.

As a follow-up to his first photo-series, Singaporean photographer and visual artist Kevin Siyuan put together 'Corridors of Diversity', a short montage of communal corridors and HDB (Housing and Development Board) block facades, featuring the dynamic designs and forms of Singapore's densely built environment.

"Corridors of Diversity": Showcasing the Secret of Singapore's Public Housing Success

Singapore’s first Housing and Development Board (HDB) housing blocks were erected in November of 1960, in response to a severe lack of adequate housing for the country's 1.6 million citizens. Fast forward to 2017, and over 80% of the Singaporean population live in HDBs, with over 90% of them owning the home they live in. Often painted in vibrant colors, HDBs have a focus on community social spaces, more often than not maintaining the ground floor of the apartment blocks as open public space, exclusively for public meeting areas. These can include hawker centers, benches, tables, grills and pavilions where residents can socialize under cover from the hot Singaporean sun.

Corridors of Diversity: Showcasing the Secret of Singapore's Public Housing Success - More Images+ 6